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The Self

The sun is a star, not a planet, and is at the center of our Solar System. It represents the core essence of an individual's identity and vitality. Positively, it radiates confidence, self-expression, and a strong sense of purpose. However, the solar influence can lead to issues of ego, arrogance, or a tendency to dominate. To handle the Sun effectively, embrace authenticity, cultivate humility, and recognize the interconnectedness of all individuals. Balancing self-expression with an awareness of others ensures that the positive attributes of the Sun contribute to personal growth and positive interactions.


year to circle the zodiac


days in a sign




moon phase




In Greek mythology, Helios was the personification of the sun. He was often depicted as a handsome charioteer driving a golden chariot across the sky, bringing daylight to the world. One of the most famous stories involving Helios is that of his son Phaethon. Phaethon, desiring to prove his divine lineage, persuaded his father to let him drive the sun chariot for a day. However, he lost control of the horses, causing great havoc and threatening to scorch the Earth. To prevent further disaster, Zeus struck Phaethon down with a lightning bolt. Helios' role as the sun god represented the life-giving and illuminating force of the sun, essential for all living beings. His myth highlights the powerful and sometimes uncontrollable nature of the sun's energy.

The Greek Myth Of Helios


    Excessive Ego and Arrogance. The Sun can lead to an overinflated sense of self-importance, resulting in arrogance, pride, and a tendency to disregard others.

    Stubbornness and Inflexibility. The Sun may result in a rigid adherence to one's own views and a resistance to considering alternative perspectives.

    Difficulty Handling Criticism. The Sun's influence can sometimes lead to a hypersensitivity to criticism or a need for constant validation.

    Overemphasis on Personal Image. The Sun can lead to an excessive focus on outward appearances and a desire for external recognition.


    Self-Confidence and Authenticity. The Sun fosters a strong sense of self-assurance, allowing individuals to express themselves authentically.

    Vitality and Inner Strength. The Sun provides the inner strength and resilience needed to face challenges and pursue goals with vigor.

    Leadership and Personal Power. It bestows natural leadership qualities, enabling individuals to take charge, make decisions, and inspire others.

    Creativity and Expression. The Sun encourages creative self-expression and the ability to radiate one's unique talents.

 Reasons for Manifesting

To illuminate the self. The Sun symbolizes the core essence of an individual's identity, shedding light on their unique strengths, talents, and qualities.

To express more confidence. It encourages the authentic expression of one's true self, fostering a sense of self-assurance, confidence, and integrity.

To cultivate vitality and life force. The Sun represents the vital life force within us, energizing our spirit, creativity, and sense of purpose.

To encourage personal growth. The Sun's influence directs individuals towards self-discovery, self-improvement, and the pursuit of their life's purpose and aspirations.

Advice on how to
handle the Sun

Embrace Authenticity

Allow your true self to shine through. Recognize your unique strengths, talents, and individuality, and express them confidently.

Cultivate Self-Awareness

Take time for introspection and self-reflection. Understand your core values, desires, and aspirations to align your actions with your true purpose.

Seat Meaningful Goals

Establish clear and purposeful objectives. Pursue endeavors that resonate with your authentic self, and strive for achievements that bring fulfillment.

Practice Generosity

Use your influence to inspire and uplift others. Lead with kindness, generosity, and a genuine desire to help those around you.

Am I embracing and expressing my complete self in all areas of my life?

Do I know what my purpose is and feel a sense of direction in my life? If not, what is my purpose and direction?

How do I handle criticism and rejection?

What activities or pursuits bring me joy, fulfillment, and a sense of achievement?

Am I allowing myself to shine and be seen, or am I holding back?






Questions for Reflection
for the Sun