


Natal Astrology

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Lunar Month of Scorpio 2024: Completely Embracing Ease, Simplicity, Freedom, and Fun

November 22, 2024

This month, we really want to more permanently embrace, embody, and receive a new way life that is easier, shorter simpler, more fun, and more independent to a more full and complete extent — and we are able to do it, even though it may happen unexpectedly.

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Category 1

This is a monthly horoscope, which is correlated to the lunar cycle. It starts on November 13, 2023 and ends on December 12, 2023. Unexpected changes occur as a result of our past actions to re-align our lives, making us confused and upset. We try to do some thinking about our situation to understand what […]

Lunar Month of Scorpio 2023: A Need To Simplify

January 27, 2024

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Category 2

Lunar Month of Scorpio 2023: A Need To Simplify

January 27, 2024

This is a monthly horoscope, which is correlated to the lunar cycle. It starts on November 13, 2023 and ends on December 12, 2023. Unexpected changes occur as a result of our past actions to re-align our lives, making us confused and upset. We try to do some thinking about our situation to understand what […]

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Category 3

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