General Questions

What method of astrology does Brittany use?

What method of astrology does Brittany use?

Brittany is a western astrologer that specializes in Evolutionary Astrology, as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green. Green's Evolutionary Astrology paradigm puts extra emphasis on each soul's unique purpose and journey in this lifetime, as described by Pluto, the polarity point of Pluto (PPP), and the nodal axis in every chart. As a result, her main focus in every interpretation is defining what the larger purpose and evolutionary intent of each moment and soul is. All other details, planets, and aspects come secondary to that (Pluto, the PPP, and the nodes) — and are put within that context. To people who are unfamiliar with Green's Evolutionary Astrology, it may seem as though Brittany is intuiting a lot in her readings or making big assumptions based on a whim. She is not. Green has a very specific method for making holistic interpretations that many people are not familiar with. She uses the Tropical zodiac. In personal readings, she uses the Placidus house system. In her horoscopes, she uses 0 Aries.

Why does Brittany use the tropical zodiac?

Why does Brittany use the tropical zodiac?

Brittany's horoscopes are unique because she cares deeply about the larger cycles and bigger purpose of every moment — and interprets the smaller details within that larger context. The Tropical Zodiac is based on the solstices and equinoxes (as determined by the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn), which herald the seasons on Earth. The seasons are a Divine cycle, which have a very noticeable impact on Earth, where we live. The Sidereal Zodiac is based on the actual positions of the constellations, which have no proven effect on our environment and lack a coherent understanding of cycles. Brittany chooses to follow the system that better describes the cycle of life and has a more tangible impact on our world. But while that is her preferred system, she does not judge anyone who uses a different system, and believes that all systems of calculating the zodiac can yield accurate insights in their own way.

Is Brittany messaging me right now online for a reading?

Is Brittany messaging me right now online for a reading?

No, Brittany will never message you personally to book a reading. She will also never ask you to send money to her directly via Cash App, PayPal, Zelle, or any other app. If someone is reaching out asking you to do so, it is not her and is a scam. Please do not give that person any money. Her Instagram username is @ethereal_astrology. Sometimes scammers will subtly change the username to trick you. The only way to book a reading with Brittany is through this link here found in various places on her website.

I'm learning astrology. What books does Brittany recommend?

I'm learning astrology. What books does Brittany recommend?

Brittany recommends any book you can find by Jeffrey Wolf Green. She consults his Glossary on Evolutionary Astrology in her own practice regularly. She also recommends "Astrological Aspects: A Process Oriented Approach" by Leyla Rael and Dane Rudhyar for a unique perspective on how to interpret aspects. She also recommends "Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and The Lark" by Bernadette Brady for advanced techniques on how to interpret transits to a natal chart, secondary progressions, solar arc directions, and solar return charts.

What kind of equipment does Brittany use for her videos?

What kind of equipment does Brittany use for her videos?

It has taken Brittany some time to perfect her filming setup and equipment, and it is constantly changing. As of right now, her current setup is as follows:

Can I contact Brittany for personal advice free of charge?

Can I contact Brittany for personal advice free of charge?

You can contact Brittany on any online platform to get free personal advice about your life or birth chart. However, do not expect a response from Brittany. Learning astrology takes much time and focus, and reading a chart takes much effort and expertise. It is unfair to ask Brittany to do that free of charge. Not to mention, it is unfair to her other clients that value her work and are willing to pay the fee. If you would like to book a reading with Brittany for a fee, please do so here.

Can I contact Brittany to hang out as friends or date?

Can I contact Brittany to hang out as friends or date?

You can contact Brittany for personal reasons. However, do not expect a response from Brittany. Ethereal Astrology is her professional business, which she takes very seriously. While she does like to be kind and friendly to everyone, there is a certain boundary between her personal life that needs to be respected. Not to mention, Brittany is very busy and gets many inquiries a day that do not allow her the time to respond on a regular basis.

Why does Brittany repeat so much in her videos?

Why does Brittany repeat so much in her videos?

Almost everything that can be retrograde is retrograde in Brittany's natal chart, except Mars, Jupiter and Chiron. That makes Brittany a retrograde person — with, yes, both Mercury and Venus retrograde natally. The natural tendency of people with many planets retrograde is to repeat, re-evaluate, and re-assess situations over and over again. The reason for that, according to Jeffrey Wolf Green's article here, is because people with retrograde planets were very indiscriminate in a past life, taking in too much information with very little rhyme or reason, which created situations that were confusing and out of alignment with their true nature. As a result, people with retrograde planets repeat and re-evaluate things many times over to better sort through the information and make sure that what they are working through is the best for them and their situation. Brittany's constant repetition is what enables her to get to the heart of the astrology and cut out unnecessary information. Every time she repeats, she refines the interpretation more. Not to mention, Brittany's mother always told her growing up that "repetition is the key to learning," since she said she always needed to repeat things for Brittany and her sister before it was actually listened to and understood.

I stopped resonating with Brittany's horoscopes. Why?

I stopped resonating with Brittany's horoscopes. Why?

Brittany believes that astrology is cumulative. So, if the lesson of a previous horoscope was missed, or left unlearned, it can come back to get you at another time, regardless of what that time period's horoscopes are, confusing the message. You can also fall out of step with her horoscopes if one of the outer moving planets, which bring life's major transformations, is making a hard aspect to your personal chart. However, it is important to note that many times these hard aspects from outer planets also indicate that you are resisting learning an important lesson for your growth. Also, your soul may just be desiring a different astrologer with a different voice at this time that gets through to you better. Your soul could also just be calling you inwards to listen to your own guidance. It is important to discern what the true cause is for you.

What song plays in Brittany's intro video on YouTube?

What song plays in Brittany's intro video on YouTube?

Song: Sappheiros - Escape
License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Music powered by BreakingCopyright:

Personal Readings

Where will an astrological reading with Brittany take place?

Where will an astrological reading with Brittany take place?

All astrological readings with Brittany will take place online as a live video call on Zoom. You will be able to both see and hear Brittany. She will bring your chart up on the screen during that time to be viewed. Once the reading has been booked, you will receive a Zoom link to access at the time of our meeting. Zoom is accessible on desktop and mobile devices. When you click the link, it may prompt you to download Zoom if you do not currently have it. However, the download is typically very short.

Will I get a copy of the recording after I meet with Brittany?

Will I get a copy of the recording after I meet with Brittany?

The recording of the session is not included in the price, but will be sent to you after the reading as a courtesy. Brittany will typically email the recording 7 days after the session takes place to the email address you booked the reading with. However, many times it takes longer. In that email, the recording of your session will be available as a link to an unlisted video posted on a separate and private YouTube channel of hers. Only you, Brittany, and whoever has the specific link will be able to access it. You are also free to record the session on your own end while you meet, or take notes throughout the session.

Should I book the 30-minute or 1-hour option?

Should I book the 30-minute or 1-hour option?

The 1-hour option is best for those who have never had their birth chart read, would like Brittany to read their entire astrological chart for the first time, or would like to have a detailed discussion about particular themes of their life. The 30-minute option is best for those who just want an update on current events in their life (with their solar return or transits). It is also best for those who just want to ask a few quick questions about their personal experience.

Keep in mind, however, that Brittany will discuss whatever you would like during your time with her. Your booking simply determines the amount of time you will spend with her, not necessarily what you will discuss — even though Brittany does have things planned to discuss during that time, just in case.

I can't find a time to book a reading in the near future. Why?

I can't find a time to book a reading in the near future. Why?

Brittany has very limited availability on her calendar. If you cannot find a reading in the near future, it is possible that she is currently booked. Please navigate to the next available time, which may be months later

Do I need to bring or prepare anything before my reading?

Do I need to bring or prepare anything before my reading?

No, you do not need to do, bring, or prepare anything before your session with Brittany. However, it might be helpful for you to think of some questions beforehand you might want answered in order to make your session more useful. Also, if you would prefer to take notes during the session or record it yourself, you might want to bring a pen, paper, or some recording device.