Book a reading
with Brittany

ready for a bigger perspective?

Frequently Asked

Where will an astrological reading with Brittany take place?

Where will an astrological reading with Brittany take place?

All astrological readings with Brittany will take place online as a live video call on Zoom. You will be able to both see and hear Brittany. She will bring your chart up on the screen during that time to be viewed. Once the reading has been booked, you will receive a Zoom link to access at the time of our meeting. Zoom is accessible on desktop and mobile devices. When you click the link, it may prompt you to download Zoom if you do not currently have it. However, the download is typically very short.

Will I get a copy of the recording after I meet with Brittany?

Will I get a copy of the recording after I meet with Brittany?

The recording of the session is not included in the price, but will be sent to you after the reading as a courtesy. Brittany will typically email the recording 7 days after the session takes place to the email address you booked the reading with. However, many times it takes longer. In that email, the recording of your session will be available as a link to an unlisted video posted on a separate and private YouTube channel of hers. Only you, Brittany, and whoever has the specific link will be able to access it. You are also free to record the session on your own end while you meet, or take notes throughout the session.

Should I book the 30-minute or 1-hour option?

Should I book the 30-minute or 1-hour option?

The 1-hour option is best for those who have never had their birth chart read, would like Brittany to read their entire astrological chart for the first time, or would like to have a detailed discussion about particular themes of their life. The 30-minute option is best for those who just want an update on current events in their life (with their solar return or transits). It is also best for those who just want to ask a few quick questions about their personal experience.

Keep in mind, however, that Brittany will discuss whatever you would like during your time with her. Your booking simply determines the amount of time you will spend with her, not necessarily what you will discuss — even though Brittany does have things planned to discuss during that time, just in case.

I can't find a time to book a reading in the near future. Why?

I can't find a time to book a reading in the near future. Why?

Brittany has very limited availability on her calendar. If you cannot find a reading in the near future, it is possible that she is currently booked. Please navigate to the next available time, which may be months later

Do I need to bring or prepare anything before my reading?

Do I need to bring or prepare anything before my reading?

No, you do not need to do, bring, or prepare anything before your session with Brittany. However, it might be helpful for you to think of some questions beforehand you might want answered in order to make your session more useful. Also, if you would prefer to take notes during the session or record it yourself, you might want to bring a pen, paper, or some recording device.

I look forward to speaking
with you soon.

thank you for booking!