making big,
difficult endings

We begin to realize that the way we have been living our lives for the past 35 years prior to this no longer resonates with us anymore and that we need to make drastic change in order to release this old lifestyle and start anew πŸŒ‹. We then start to make these changes, which feels very uncomfortable.

APRIL 2020

saturn, pluto, and jupiter conjunct in capricorn


APRIL 2022

a fertile new beginning full of promise

We have made enough changes to release an old lifestyle and step into a new one. As a result, we feel like our life is becoming more fertile 🌺 for a new and abundant lifestyle to begin. 

New moon solar eclipse in taurus



unable to progress, need a new perspective

We feel blocked πŸ™… and unable to step into a new experience. That is because we still have old habits that aren't conducive to a new life. The habits that need to go are ones in which we are making too many changes, giving too much of our power away to others, spending too much money, and indulging too many negative emotions. The habits we need to adopt instead are ones where we are more slow and stable, confident, thrifty, and calm.

APRIL 2022

full moon eclipse in scorpio

Keep going!

january 2023

Adopting a new

We begin to more completely adopt new behaviors 🌈 which are more slow, stable, secure, and self-reliant, after struggling to do that in the months prior. We also make some significant adjustments with relationships and money in order for those to be more secure and more supportive of a new life.

mercury retrograde in capricorn


Leaving the past behind & feeling ready for the future

Because we have finally adopted the correct approach to this new chapter of life, we then feel as though we can leave πŸƒ the past behind, and start again to move forward into a new and better experience we have been working towards since 2020.

march 2023

Pluto Enters Aquarius, Saturn Enters Pisces

April 2023

Moving Forward Into New, Promising Beginning (Again)

We are now take action πŸ”₯ to step into a new, different, and better chapter of life that we have been working on since 2020 in a more masterful way.

Solar Eclipse in Aries

Unable to progress (again), need to recover our heart and emotions

We are moving forward into a new and better chapter of life again (similar to what we did in April 2022). However, more blockages begin to occur (again), making us feel stuck. That is because we have difficulty honoring our emotions πŸ’™, being happy, and receiving abundance β€” which is what this new chapter of life is all about.

July 2023

venus retrograde in leo

Wow! It was a big year.

july 2023

Making big, difficult changes to honor our emotions

We now realize that the reason why we are struggling to be happy and receive abundance is because we have been stuck in emergency mode for many years prior to this, making us cold, harsh, out of touch with our emotions, and on guard. We also make hard decisions and take drastic actionπŸ’₯ to fix this.

pluto at last degree of capricorn, square nodal axis

Catapulted into a new & better experience in unexpected ways

We are catapulted into a new, different, and better experience of life we have been working towards since 2020 in unexpected ways πŸ₯³, making our situations completely different from what they once were. New and exciting opportunities begin to open up to us that we did not have before.

April 2024

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus


August 2024

Many Distractions and Unhelpful temptations

Now that the guardrails are off and we are finally in a better experience of life with many new opportunities, we are tempted to choose opportunities that are not in our best interest, which may backfire later. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« That is because we are still stuck in over-working and people-pleasing, which needs to be resolved.

Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

Healing and releasing more old things

We release and heal from more negative behaviors, such as over-working and people-pleasing.  We also begin to better understand our situation and what has gone wrong. πŸ•ŠοΈ We correct any negative experiences from the months prior, and feel able to move forward into a new experience of life (for a third time), now with more complete wisdom of what it entails to succeed.

February 2025

North Node conjunct Neptune in pisces


Relief is coming!

Learning to trust ourselves again

We are now finally on some new path in life in a more enduring way (after correcting some mistakes in the past few months and healing), and things are going very well. There are no glaring issues that must be dealt with. But β€” it feels weird to finally be in a better place, like something might go wrong (when it won't). We are learning how to stop feeling like the world will cave in on us any minute. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή We are learning how to let our guard down, trust ourselves, and feel safe in life once again. 

June 2025

Jupiter enters Cancer