Which planet is guiding your life right now?

Discover which planet is currently helping you out, or holding you back — as well as some advice about how to handle it  — in this short quiz. Feel free to re-visit the quiz months or years from now when your life situation changes.

interactive quiz


Pluto represents transformation, regeneration, and the deep, subconscious forces that drive personal evolution. It signifies the process of shedding old patterns, allowing for profound inner growth.


the transformer



Uranus represents innovation, originality, and sudden change. It governs unconventional thinking, breakthroughs, and urges us to embrace our unique individuality.

the revolutionary


Neptune is associated with idealism, intuition, and the realm of dreams and imagination. It symbolizes the urge for spiritual connection, creativity, and the potential for both transcendence and illusion.


the higher self



Saturn is the planet associated with discipline, responsibility, and structure. It represents the lessons we must learn through challenges, as well as the rewards that come from hard work and perseverance.

the taskmaster


Jupiter represents expansion, abundance, and growth. It symbolizes optimism, higher knowledge, and a broad, inclusive perspective, encouraging individuals to seek opportunities for development.


the great benefic



Mars represents the primal force of energy, drive, and assertiveness within us. It governs our desires, passions, and how we take action to pursue goals, making it key to motivation, courage, and determination.

the Warrior


Venus represents love, relationships, beauty, and harmony. It governs our capacity for affection, our aesthetic sensibilities, and our ability to form balanced and harmonious connections with others.


the Lover



Mercury is associated with communication, intellect, and the rational mind. It governs how we process information, express ourselves, and engage in mental activities, like learning, writing, and problem-solving.

the messenger

the moon

The Moon represents our emotional nature, instincts, and deepest feelings. It influences our intuitive responses to the world, highlighting our need for emotional security, nurturing, and connection.


the nurturer


The Sun

The Sun represents the core essence of an individual's identity and self-expression. It symbolizes conscious self-awareness, ego, and the fundamental drive for self-realization and personal growth.

the entertainer