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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries April 2023

This is the general monthly astrology horoscope for all signs, which starts at the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on Monday, March 21, 2023 and ends at the new moon in Taurus on Friday, May 19, 2023.

This month, we are getting another boost to step into a new, different, and better chapter in life that is more in alignment with who we are — now with more wisdom of what the new life requires in order to build it right (which is a slow, stable, secure, thrifty, and self-reliant approach).

This is a very good thing!

However, early on during this lunar month, we are still having difficulty going slow, stable, secure, thrifty, self-reliant, etc.

That is because we would rather be moving fast, having fun, and pursuing a ton of exciting ideas. It is also because we still feel a little unsafe and insecure in this different experience of life.

However, our intuition and the Divine keep pushing us anyways to slow down and secure our situation.

Because of that, we eventually give in to our intuition and the Divine and take the leap more fully into this slower lifestyle.

That is a very good thing — but the more we accept a slow, stable, and secure lifestyle, we begin to realize that we are simply not doing it ENOUGH!

Not being slow, stable, secure, thrifty, and self-reliant ENOUGH!

This is very frustrating, confusing, overwhelming, and exhausting because it means we haven’t fully mastered this lesson yet, and many things in our lives (like relationships and money) are still not where they need to be.

However, we realize that we need to suck it up and make the hard decisions and sacrifices anyways in order to change our relationships and money to be even more slow, stable, secure, thrifty, and self-reliant (and to let go of anything that is in our way).

That then initiates some sudden and unexpected actions that may be very difficult, cause arguments, and lead to big endings or adjustments with relationships and money.

Soon after, though, those arguments and frustrations calm down.

For those who had made the necessary adjustments in their lives, they then feel much better — like they did the right thing. They also begin to see more gifts and good luck occur as a result of all their past efforts to be slow, stable, secure, thrifty, and self-reliant (which can take the form of increased finances and more confidence).

For those who didn’t make the necessary adjustments earlier, they then feel like they are left unhappy and hung out to dry — experiencing bad luck, financial losses, and instability.

The tarot cards are the 4 of Pentacles and The Lovers reversed.

Astrological aspects I mention in this video:

  • New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries (total) — Thurs., April 20, 2023 (29 degrees)
  • Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (Thurs., April 20-Fri., April 21, 2023)
  • Mercury retrograde starts in Taurus (Fri., April 21, 2023) — 15 degrees
  • Sun conjunct North Node in Taurus (Sun., April 23-Mon., April 24, 2023)
  • Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (Tues., April 25-Fri., April 28, 2023)
  • First Quarter Moon in Leo — Thurs., April 27, 2023 (7 degrees)
  • Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Taurus (Mon., May 1, 2023)
  • Pluto goes retrograde in Aquarius (Mon., May 1, 2023) — 0 degrees
  • Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (Thurs., May 4, 2023)
  • Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (penumbral) — Fri., May 5, 2023 (14 degrees)
  • Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus (Tues., May 9-Wed., May 10, 2023)
  • Third Quarter Moon in Aquarius — Fri., May 12, 2023 (21 degrees)
  • Mercury retrograde ends in Taurus (Sun., May 14, 2023) — 5 degrees
  • Jupiter enters Taurus (Tues., May 16, 2023)
  • Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (Tues., May 16-Sun., May 21, 2023)
  • New Moon in Taurus — Fri., May 19, 2023 (28 degrees)

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