


Natal Astrology

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Report a technical issue or typo

If you are experiencing a technical issue with my membership or see a typo that needs correcting, please report it below in the comments on this post. Include any necessary information you can, like where it is happening and/or a screenshot, if necessary.

You can report anything — a broken link, a word written wrong, a part of my website that is not working correctly, etc.

You can also write any suggestions that you might have for increased functionality on my website, or just a better user experience.

Please comment below instead of emailing me. I will respond to a comment here more quickly.

This space will help me to consolidate all of your feedback, so that any issues get resolved more easily. It will also help you to see whether or not the issue has already been reported and/or addressed.

I will do my best to resolve these issues quickly.

Thank you!

  1. derek108 says:

    Hey, I uploaded a profile pic but it doesnt stay. Is there a place im supposed to click “save”? thanks

    • Yes!! You need to click “save” in order to get your picture to stay. The “save” button is right below the “change your password” section a few inches down (and right above Billing). However, it is white and kind of blends in with the background… but you need to press that. I will have to figure out how to change the color of that next. LOL

  2. Caitlin says:

    Fixed my error, everything is good

    • Hey! Can I ask how you fixed it? So sorry about this!!

      • Caitlin says:

        Honestly, I don’t know what happened! I’m not sure if you saw the original problem, but when I went to the site I got error code: 403 It appeared as if the site no longer existed. I tried visiting from three different devices and nothing worked, so I knew that it wasn’t my device but a problem with the site. My boyfriend is in tech and he said that this error code 403 thinks that my account is an admin of the site and the only way to fix it is by admin. It was as if my account was somehow given admin status, but I still didn’t have permission to access the site. It was very strange and my boyfriend himself didn’t fully understand how this would happen or how to fix it. I had my boyfriend try to visit the site from his computer and the site showed up like normal. I asked him to log me into my membership account and it worked for him as if everything was normal. Once he logged in, I suddenly had normal access to my account from my device. As if him logging me in from a new device somehow unblocked my account/made it a normal account again. I know it sounds insane and unbelievable! I can’t explain what happened or how it was fixed. I’m just happy to have access again!! I was panicking a bit and felt like I was going throw withdrawal since I had three days without your videos! (when I listen to them every day! since you began your membership – was it in 2019?)

        • Well no now I am panicking because I don’t know how to fix this issue!!! This really upset me last night. I did get your email. Two other people have also mentioned the same thing recently, which did eventually fix itself after a bit of a struggle. I have contacted some of the support teams for the services I am using, and they also do not know how to fix this. I have heard that re-setting your wi-fi (turning it off and turning it on again) can also work if this happens again. I am going to try to contact a few other support teams related to services I am using, but I am unsure if that will yield a solution, and if it will happen soon :/ I really don’t know what to do or what this means for my new website. So sorry!

          • Caitlin says:

            yes, I did try to reset my wifi and I also cleared all cookies and the cache. It was so strange because I tried multiple browsers as well. and nothing worked. Now that I know it is an issue and there isn’t much I can do (besides what I tried), if it happens again, I won’t be as panicked as it somehow seems to work its self out. I understand that there can be issues that can come with new software – I’m really loving the setup, options, and aesthetics of the new site, so I hope you are able to get some answers and the support teams can figure it out!

  3. fivetrees says:

    Do you post the New Moon and Full Moon videos on this site? Those are my favorites. I don’t have time, cannot fully process a bunch of videos each month and I find those — the New Moon and Full Moon videos — so very helpful and about the right information/timing for me to process. But on the content I only see monthly or weekly videos.

    • Hi! I do not post the YouTube videos for the new and full moon on this site. They are on YouTube only. However, I do post weekly videos here starting at the new and full moons, which cover a 7-day period.

      • fivetrees says:

        Okay, thanks. I will try those:) As a new member of the site I just discovered the Monthly videos and those seem to be very helpful. Do they/will they always start on a new moon?

        • Hi! Yes, the moon is my thing ! LOL All of my videos are correlated to a lunar event. The monthly horoscopes will always start at the new moon. The next one for the lunar month of Cancer will be available within the next day!

          • fivetrees says:

            The monthly horoscopes will always start at the new moon. The next one for the lunar month of Cancer will be available within the next day!

            Awesome! I really love love love that you keep things lunar!!!! You do amazing work, thank you!

  4. Jules says:

    Hi! I am logged in but when I try to go to watch a new video, it states that I need a membership to view the video. I’ve tried logging in again and that didn’t work. This is my first time logging in on my phone before I was on my computer.

  5. megfrench says:

    Hi, there was once a time I could download the videos onto my phone from the .tv site which was once of my favorite features so I could listen in places where reception was low/spotty but I’m not seeing it now on .tv or .com. Will that be available or is it currently and I’m not seeing it? thanks!

  6. melaniedsears says:

    I just signed up last night, I’m excited! But this morning the website isn’t working 😢
    Thanks for all you do Brittany

    • Hi Melanie! So sorry about this. I have never seen this error before. It looks you already logged in, but still weren’t able to see the content. Can I ask — is that happening on all the horoscope posts, or is just one in particular you are getting that error on?

  7. Sofiane says:

    I really miss being able to see the videos I have already watched and the progress on them. Is this an option or is there a work around that I might not nlknow about?

  8. Stephanie Silvis says:

    Hello- I tried to sign up for a reading and it got stuck on the payment page. I tried to open the browser in another page and it’s still not loading

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