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Gemini Moon June 15-18, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

Trying to understand our emotions

This is your collective astrology horoscope for the moon in the sign of Gemini, which it will enter on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 10 p.m. ET and leave on Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 7 a.m. ET, when it will enter the sign of Cancer.

Check out my interactive monthly transits page here.

We are now trying to better settle into and understand some recent realization we received about why we are struggling to move forward in a better experience of life receiving blessings (which is that we have some unresolved trauma from the past when we ignored our emotions and acted out of alignment with our soul).

This is a good thing to do.

However, at the very beginning of this time period, we are struggling to do that. That is because we are still frustrated that we even have these issues to begin with, and because we are unable to connect with our emotions and what needs to be healed.

This makes us feel a bit down or off.

However, we don’t let that get the best of us. Instead, we shake it off and continue to think about and try to understand our situation in more light-hearted ways.

Doing that then leads us to an important realization (in addition to the one we received a few days ago). That realization is that there is simply too much to heal and resolve during this time period, and that we either need to put off some things in our lives until we heal or at least slow them down greatly. It is also that we need to allow ourselves to more fully explore our emotions in order to heal them.

That is a bit frustrating, but deep down I think we know it is the right thing to do.

That then gives us a new approach to understanding our emotions and healing our trauma — which is to more deeply think about and explore our trauma from a more emotional and sentimental place, instead of a logical or practical one.

However, actually doing that — and exploring our emotions more from a sentimental place — proves difficult and scary (because we aren’t used to doing it). As a result, we feel confused, overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, etc.

Because of that, I recommend that you accept the fact that you need to more deeply think about and explore your emotions from a more sensitive place. I also recommend that you accept the fact that it will most likely be messy and uncomfortable. I also recommend that you give yourself much patience, compassion, and grace throughout this process — and surrender to it!

Aspects —11:35 Timestamp

Summary & Intuitive Messages — 32:30 Timestamp

Tarot — 1:22:25 Timestamp

  • 6 of Wands
  • 9 of Swords

Here is the complete list of aspects the moon is making:

I have bolded the aspects I mention in this video. All times are listed in Eastern Time, a timezone on the East Coast of the United Sates, which includes New York City.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

  • Moon enters Gemini (10 p.m. ET)

Friday, June 16, 2023

  • Moon in Gemini quincunx South Node in Scorpio (2 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Gemini square Saturn in Aquarius (11 a.m. ET)
  • Moon conjunct Mercury in Gemini (3 p.m.  ET)
  • Moon in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo (5 p.m. ET)

Saturday, June 17, 2023

  • Moon in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (4 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries (10 a.m. ET)
  • Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces (2 p.m. ET)

Sunday, June 18, 2023

  • Moon conjunct Sun in Gemini (12 a.m. ET) — New moon!
  • Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (2 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Gemini quincunx Pluto in Capricorn (5 a.m. ET)
  • Moon enters Cancer (7 a.m. ET)
  1. derek108 says:

    I just realised that Pluto at 29deg Capricorn is opposite our composite moon at Cancer 29deg!

    • Yes LOL that was what I was trying to say !!! I find the opposite point of pluto the helpful one that just kind of naturally knows how to fix/handle the energy (which in this case is to express the emotions more) and is a bit ahead of the curve, although that doesn’t always make it easier. Composite = how you and I act when together. I don’t think you and I have a problem expressing emotions to each other, even though working with the emotions everywhere else in life is still a freaking struggle !! What the heck !

      • derek108 says:

        Yes its very interesting, since our conversations my emotional perspective has changed so much!! thanks! im doing that course now, in the first quiz my archetype was dark lilith lol and looking at the opposite point of a house or planet has helped!!

        • LOL omg 😂😂😂 I think that is clearly another message that your upcoming assignment in life is to focus on working with, healing, and/or removing guilt & shame from your mars/aries/sagittarius energy — with your black moon lillith being in aries, ruled by your mars which is in sagittarius — and also with the north node and eclipses about to be on your black moon in the next year or two.

          • derek108 says:

            Absolutely! and from our composite we have black moon lilith conjunct chiron in Gemini opposite Uranus in Sagittarius! plus Mars is conjunct black moon Lilith in my 8th house right now LOL

  2. bexkane says:

    I have switched my membership account to this website, however it looks like the most recent videos are only on the old website…

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