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Lunar Month of Cancer July 17-August 16, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

Making big changes

This is the general monthly astrology horoscope for all signs, which starts at the new moon in Cancer on Monday, July 17, 2023 and ends at the new moon in Leo on Wednesday, August 16, 2023.

You can view the interactive monthly tool here.

We are now continuing to adjust our behaviors to be more emotional, sentimental, and vulnerable in order to fix a lot of things from the past few years that have been too cold, hard, and stiff.

This is a very good thing, helping us feel as though positive times and faster movement is just around the corner.

But even though it is a good thing, we are still not changing our behaviors ENOUGH to be emotional, sentimental, and vulnerable and are remaining in old habits.

We are not changing our habits enough because we are afraid to feel the pain of the past few years of our lives, and make the necessary changes that we need.

As a result, we are feeling stuck, as if NOTHING good is happening in our situation. We are also feeling frustrated, upset, and angry.

This uncomfortable feeling then continues to intensify in uncomfortable and painful ways.

Because we are feeling so upset, angry, and uncomfortable, we then realize that we have NO CHOICE but to do the things we are resisting — which is to face our fears, heal past trauma, and fully change our behaviors to be more emotional.

That then helps us to better fix and adjust some things in our lives with relationships and money for the better. It also helps us to feel more free from our past issues and able to pursue a better future.

This is wonderful!

But even though we have just turned a major corner, away from many past issues, something deep within our soul STILL doesn’t feel right.

That then makes us confused because we aren’t able to fully understand consciously what that is.

Instead of dwelling in that confusion, though, we continue to feel better and re-center ourselves after the major transformation that occurred earlier in the month.

That then helps us to feel better.

Because of that, we then try to do more things in our lives that we think will make us happy and usher us more into a new and better experience of life.

However, that still backfires or doesn’t go according to plan.

That is because this secondary issue, which we can’t put our finger on, still hasn’t fully been resolved.

As a result, we will spend all next month trying to better understand what this secondary issue is and fix it — but I will tell you what it is now.

This secondary issue, which we are unaware of, is that we still feel as though we have to over-work and over-explain ourselves in order to prove that we are valuable or worthy, which is preventing us from receiving good things.

Astrological aspects I mention in this video — 15:35 Timestamp

New Moon in Cancer — Mon., July 17, 2023 (24 degrees)

  • North Node enters Aries (Mon., July 17, 2023)
  • Sun in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn, square North Node in Aries (Fri., July 21-Sat., July 22, 2023)
  • Venus goes retrograde in Leo (Sat., July 22, 2023) — 28 degrees
  • Chiron goes retrograde in Aries (Sun., July 23, 2023) — 19 degrees

First Quarter Moon in Scorpio — Tues., July 25, 2023 (2 degrees)

  • Mercury conjunct Venus Rx in Leo (Thurs., July 27, 2023)
  • Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (Mon., July 31-Thurs., Aug. 3, 2023)

Full Moon in Aquarius — Tues., August 1, 2023 (9 degrees)

  • Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces (Tues., Aug. 1-Wed., Aug. 2, 2023)
  • Mercury enters pre-retrograde shadow in Virgo (Fri., Aug. 4, 2023) — 8 degrees

Third Quarter Moon in Taurus — Tues., August 8, 2023 (15 degrees)

  • Venus in Leo Rx square Uranus in Taurus (Tues., Aug. 8-Thurs., Aug. 10, 2023)
  • Sun in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (Sat., Aug. 12-Sun., Aug. 13, 2023)
  • Sun conjunct Venus Rx in Leo (Sun., Aug. 13, 2023)

Summary and other thoughts — 1:09:05 Timestamp

Tarot cards — 1:57:00 Timestamp

  • Queen of Wands
  • 8 of Cups reversed

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