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Lunar Month of Capricorn 2024: Finding More Balance

This is a monthly horoscope, which is correlated to the lunar cycle. This horoscope starts on January 11, 2024 and ends on February 9, 2024.

We are now trying to more completely adjust to a different lifestyle — in which we still work towards our goals, but in a more balanced way that is gentler, easier, and more in tune with our emotions. However, we still struggle to do so because it doesn’t feel natural. It feels more natural to be rigid and stressed instead. As a result, we realize that we need to consciously choose to act in this more balanced way regardless of our emotions. That then sets some unexpected events into action.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Capricorn

Adjusting to a more balanced lifestyle

January 11-17, 2024

We are now adjusting our mindset and situation to be more balanced — where we are still doing work, but in a way that is more in tune with our emotions. As a result, we are feeling more optimistic and passionate. We are also feeling more motivated to act in an easier way that serves our personal interests better.

Mercury re-enters Capricorn direct (Jan. 13, 2024)

First Quarter in Aries

Struggling to act in a simpler way

January 17-25, 2024

We now try to take action in this more balanced way. However, we struggle to do so. That is because we are too in our head, over-thinking things, and worried about potential outcomes. It is also because a part of us is still stuck in old ways that are too rigid, strict, and unbalanced — where we are too hard on ourselves. This makes us feel upset, hurt, and stuck.

Sun enters Aquarius (Jan. 20, 2024)
Mercury leaves post-rx shadow in Cap (Jan. 20, 2024)
Pluto re-enters Aquarius (Jan. 20, 2024)
Venus enters Capricorn (Jan. 23, 2024)

Full Moon in Leo

Pushing through blockages

January 25-February 2, 2024

We now try to get the courage to push through any blockages preventing us from acting in this balanced way. It is still hard. As a result, we realize that we need to stop waiting for things to feel right, and instead make some difficult decisions in order to be balanced anyways, which may lead us to make some unexpected and positive changes. If we don’t make these decisions on our own, unexpected events may coax us to make them anyways.

Uranus direct in Taurus (Jan. 27, 2024)

Third Quarter in Scorpio

Making more difficult decisions

February 2-9, 2024

We are still uncomfortable living a more balanced lifestyle, and may want to revert backwards into more rigid and unbalanced ways of being. As a result, we realize we need to go slowly and give ourselves more time to get used to this different way of living.

Mars enters Capricorn (Jan. 4, 2024)

Doing what is best for ourselves doesn’t always feel right. As a result, we need to make smart choices to do what is best, regardless of our emotions. In this case, that is to be more balanced in our behaviors — and less rigid in our approach.

Planetary Guide


The Taskmaster

Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn, and therefore holds extra importance for this lunar month. It is the planet associated with discipline, responsibility, and structure. It represents the lessons we must learn through challenges, as well as the rewards that come from hard work and perseverance.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

  1. Where in your life are you being too strict or rigid?
  2. How can you balance that with behaviors that are gentler and more in tune with your emotions?
  3. What inner resistances, such as worry and fear, might you have to this more balanced lifestyle?
  4. How can you be better prepared for these worries and fears when they arrive so that you don’t let them get the best of you?
  5. What firm decisions can you make, regardless of how you feel, to help you do things in a more balanced way?

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