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Lunar Month of Gemini 2023: Trying To Get Understanding

This is a monthly horoscope, which is correlated to the lunar cycle. It starts on June 16, 2023 and ends on July 17, 2023.

We now engage in a process of trial and error to better understand what we want to do next and how. It is a bit frustrating, but it works! This process teaches us that we are stuck because we are not in touch with our emotions, have been ignoring them, and are stuck in emergency mode.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Gemini

Trying to figure out what makes us happy

June 16-26, 2023

We are confused about why we are unable to receive happiness and joy into our lives and are feeling upset. As a result, we suddenly and unexpectedly try to do more things we love and enjoy, before we are really ready, to learn about our issue which backfires, triggering us and making a mess of our situation.

Venus enters pre-rx shadow in Leo (June 19, 2023)
Sun enters Cancer (June 21, 2023)

First Quarter in Libra

Experimenting to figure out what we enjoy

June 26-July 3, 2023

We are trying to smooth over our messy situations from the past few days and understand what went wrong. We are getting some insights, but not enough. As a result, we get impatient and try to act again unexpectedly to be happy. That then also fails and triggers us.

Mercury enters Cancer (June 26, 2023)
Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces (June 30, 2023)

Full Moon in Capricorn

Getting understanding about our emotions

July 3-9, 2023

Because we have have tried to be happy and failed and tried again, we now start to get a more complete understanding of what our real issue is. What we realize is that we are struggling to be happy because we have been ignoring our emotions for way too long and are controlling our situations too much.

Third Quarter in Aries

Making adjustments to honor our emotions

July 9-17, 2023

We are now trying to re-center ourselves after making many positive changes earlier this month, and feel more confident within our situation. That then leads us to try to do some more things in life that we will enjoy. However, it backfires because we still aren’t ready.

If we don’t try things and fail, we may never understand what is blocking us from moving forward or what we truly feel. Experimentation helps us grow.

Planetary Guide


The Messenger

Mercury is the ruler of this new moon in Gemini, and therefore holds extra important over this lunar month. It is associated with communication, intellect, and the rational mind. It governs how we process information, express ourselves, and engage in mental activities, like learning, writing, and problem-solving.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

  1. In what part of your life do you feel more free to move forward, do new things, and enjoy life?
  2. What things do you want to do or pursue next in this better experience? List all of your ideas. You don’t have to pick any yet.
  3. How do you feel about this newfound freedom and opportunity? Are you excited about it, nervous, scared, uncomfortable? Write whatever comes to mind.
  4. What in your life still feels shaky or unstable — not strong enough to support any future actions or opportunities? This could be something externally with relationships and money that is not right. It could also be something emotionally (like your confidence or self-worth) that still isn’t right.
  5. How can you make this more secure or stable first, before pursuing other projects?

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