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Lunar Month of Pisces 2024: Leaving An Old Identity Behind

March 10-April 8, 2024

We begin to more fully resolve any old issues (internal or external) that are preventing us from moving forward with unique behaviors in our lives that are more balanced and authentic — and it works! But once we resolve these old issues, we then feel a bit uncomfortable in this different space, with this different identity. That is because we still identify with these old experiences, and feel as though they are a part of us. We then realize that we need to slow down and take more time to re-formulate our identity and idea of ourselves before more action can be made.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Pisces

Resolving more old issues

March 10-17, 2024

We now begin to devote more of our time and attention to resolving some old issues that are keeping us stuck, unable to move forward into some unique habits. We also begin to trust the process more, and — it works! Old things start to remove themselves from our lives. However, we are left feeling confused and disoriented afterwards, because the change is so significant.

Venus enters Pisces (March 11, 2024)

First Quarter in Gemini

Adapting to a different experience

March 17-25, 2024

We now try to adapt to a very different experience, where we don’t have these old things from the past weighing us down. However, it is difficult to do. That is because we don’t see ourselves as a new person, in a different experience. We still identify with the old experience and issues. It is also because a few more small details from the past might need to be taken care of still.

Mercury pre-rx shadow in Aries (March 19, 2024)
Sun enters Aries (March 19, 2024)
Mars enters Pisces (March 22, 2024)

Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Releasing past experiences

March 25-April 1, 2024

We are feeling a bit confused about who we are becoming as a person and how best to proceed. We are also a bit confused about what more small details from the past might need to be resolved. This is difficult. As a result of this confusion, however, we learn that we need to stop fighting the process and give ourselves more time to let go of an old identity and experience.

Mercury retrograde starts in Aries (April 1, 2024)

Third Quarter in Capricorn

Feeling more capable and courageous

April 1-8, 2024

We now give ourselves more time to release an old lifestyle and re-formulate our identity. Doing so helps us to feel more at peace with our lives, like we are on the right trajectory. However, we still don’t feel ready to take big strides forward on new things.

Venus enters Aries (April 5, 2024)

Letting go of the past isn’t just about letting go of an old job, relationship, or situation — it is also about letting go of the identity you got from that, and the person you thought you once were.

Planetary Guide


The Higher Self

Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, and therefore holds extra importance for this lunar month. It is associated with idealism, intuition, and the realm of dreams and imagination. It symbolizes the urge for spiritual connection, creativity, and the potential for both transcendence and illusion.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

  1. What old things do you still have to finish up or release before you can move forward?
  2. How can you finish or release these old things in an easier way — with more faith, and less stress?
  3. How would you describe yourself and your behaviors in these old experiences that you are releasing?
  4. How would you describe the new person you want to become, who does things in different way from the old you?
  5. What do the old you and the new you have in common?
  6. What do the old you and the new you have that is different?
  7. How can you make your peace with the old you so that the new you can more fully be born?

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