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Lunar Month of Gemini 2024: Gathering More Information About Our Next Steps

June 6-July 5, 2024

Last lunar month, we unexpectedly received some positive events or understandings, helping us to improve our finances, skills, confidence, stability, appearance, and health. These events and understandings have changed our lives in a positive way and begun to put them on a more solid footing with a stronger foundation — which is what we have been searching for since 2020 and is now starting to arrive.

As a result, a bunch of new and exciting ideas have begun to come to us about what we could do next with these positive things that are now unfolding. This is very good! However, we have so many ideas that are so new that we do not know which ones to pursue.

Because of that, we realize that we need to spend much of this month slowing down (before acting) and taking some time to understand our situation and our next steps better. We don’t want to do that. We would rather be moving forward on our excitement. However, it works!

Taking the time to slow down and gather more information soon gives us answers about what is the best option to pursue next and how. The answer is that we need to pursue whatever is easiest, quickest, shortest, the most non-committal, and can be done independently. The answer is also that we need to NOT pursue the things that are hard, complex, long, drawn out, and require big commitments, especially to other people.

This is very positive. However, the process to get these answers was a bit overwhelming, and the answers we receive are a bit different from we thought. As a result, we then feel a bit ungrounded and insecure in these new insights. Because of that, we realize we need to continue holding off on acting on these ideas so that we can better adapt to them and embody them more permanently within our being and emotions. We then start to do so.

While we are doing that, though, we may feel tempted to cut this process short, ignore this insight, or act too soon in unhelpful ways (before fully integrating this new approach within our soul). That may then cause us to not do anything, or to have our actions backfire, making us confused and stuck.

Because we are confused and stuck, we eventually learn that we need to calm this frustration and take even more time to embody this new approach before taking steps forward on these insights, which we eventually do (whether we like it or not).

That then gives us more strength and courage to decide which options we want to pursue and move forward on them in the next lunar month after this one.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Gemini

Slowing down and gathering more information about next steps

June 6-14, 2024

We have lots of new ideas about what we could do next in our lives that we are very excited about. However, we don’t know which of these ideas to pursue that are in our best interest. As a result, we are slowing down even more than we were last month and are holding off on making any big decisions in order to gather more information about our experience. It is very frustrating, upsetting, and exhausting because we would rather be acting on pursuing these things we are excited about, without all of the tedious forethought.

Venus and Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (June 7-9, 2024)
Mars enters Taurus (June 9, 2024)
Mars in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (June 10-12, 2024)
Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (June 12, 2024)

First Quarter in Virgo

Getting answers and clarity about what we should do

June 14-21, 2024

We now begin to gather more information about our next steps and think harder about it — and in ways that are more practical, detailed, disciplined and planned — in order to sort through all of our ideas. This is still a little annoying, but it works! We start to get a little more clarity about our next steps — what we should do and how we should do it. These insights are that our next steps need to be very quick, easy, short, non-committal, and something we can do alone or by ourselves. It is also that they need to NOT be slow, long, hard, drawn out, committed, and involve relationships. However, the insights are a bit different from what we expected and the process to get here was a bit overwhelming. As a result, we feel exhausted, disoriented, or uncomfortable. We realize that we need some time to rest, ground ourselves, and embody this insight more permanently into our being (so that we don’t forget it later).

Sun conjunct Mercury in Gemini (June 14, 2024)
Mercury conjunct Venus in Gemini (June 16, 2024)
Mercury and Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (June 16-17, 2024)
Venus enters Cancer (June 17, 2024)
Mercury enters Cancer (June 17, 2024)

Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (June 19-21, 2024)
Sun enters Cancer (June 20, 2024)

Full Moon in Capricorn

Avoiding our emotions & not fully integrating the clarity

June 21-28, 2024

We take a little bit of time to rest and integrate the answers and insights we have recently received more permanently into our being. However, we don’t take enough time to do that and cut that process short — making us at risk to forget the insights we received or act in unhelpful ways.

Mercury in Cancer square North Node in Aries (June 22, 2024)
Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (June 26, 2024)
Venus in Cancer square North Node in Aries (June 26, 2024)

Third Quarter Moon in Aries

Confused and upset about why we are stuck

June 28-July 5, 2024

We are still not fully integrating the answers we recently received into our being and are cutting the process short. That is because we would rather be moving forward or exploring new ideas in our minds instead. But the more we try to move forward, without fully integrating this new approach into our soul, we feel stuck, confused, and upset. That is because we aren’t comfortable yet with this new approach deep down, and therefore aren’t acting effectively. This impasse forces us more inwards to better understand our internal resistance to the answers we received so that we can embody them more (whether we like it or not). It also helps us to get more of the courage and strength to act on these things at a later date.

Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (June 28, 2024)
Saturn retrograde in Pisces (June 29, 2024) — 19 degrees
Sun in Cancer square North Node in Aries (July 2, 2024)
Neptune retrograde in Pisces (July 2, 2024) — 29 degrees
Mercury enters Leo (July 2, 2024)
Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (July 2-3, 2024)
Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius (July 3, 2024)

The clarity we receive this month is that we need to pursue whatever idea is the easiest, quickest, most non-committal, and can be done independently. However, that way of doing things can be foreign to us, and feel disorienting. As a result, we need to take the time to get comfortable with this insight and embody it more permanently before acting.

Acting on an insight before we have fully embodied it can cause us to forget this insight later, fall back into old habits before the insight came, or create challenges in the future.

Planetary Guide


The Messenger

Mercury is associated with communication, intellect, and the rational mind. It governs how we process information, express ourselves, and engage in mental activities, like learning, writing, and problem-solving.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

  1. What new and exciting ideas or possibilities are you considering acting on this month?
  2. What information might you still need in order to make the best decision on which one to pursue?
  3. How can you get that information that might be lacking?
  4. Which idea or possibility can be done by yourself, in the shortest period of time, and with the least effort? (This is the idea I think you need to choose.)
  5. If you already have one idea you know you need to pursue (but it feels large and complex), how can you break that idea down into something you can do by yourself, in short bursts, and more easily?
  6. What can you do to become more confident in the idea you are choosing, and not be swayed by other people? Or how can you respond to other people who may doubt your plan?
  7. What can help you to cultivate more inner strength to act in this way or on this idea?

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