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Lunar Month of Virgo 2024: Fully embracing ease, fun, and independence

September 2-October 2, 2024

We have recently started to realize that we need to go about life after this point in a way that is shorter, easier, quicker, more independent, and more in tune with our own best interest as an individual. We have also recently started to heal a lot of fear, guilt, and shame around doing things in this easier way.

As a result, we are now this lunar month trying to take action in this different way — instead of just thinking about it and healing issues. However, taking action in this different way is still hard after all the thought and healing we have put into it. That is because the last little bit of fear, guilt, and shame still lingers. It is also because we are struggling to fully just quiet our mind, surrender to these new behaviors, and let them happen, even if they come out in weird and imperfect ways at first.

But, we don’t let those issues get us down for too terribly long. We are soon able to find some courage, optimism, and faith that helps us to overcome any fear, guilt, or shame and dive right in to these new, easier behaviors. It is a little messy and overwhelming, BUT it works! All of a sudden, we finally feel as though we are doing things in an easier, more fun, and more independent way and like it is all coming together much better than we could have expected!

As a result, we then start to feel a new sense of inner peace and alignment emerge from within that we have not felt in a very long time. We also start to feel new desires in relationships — where we want to attract different types of relationships that are more in alignment with us, or change the ones we currently have to be more in alignment.

It is a good thing for our preferences to grow, change, and evolve as time goes on. However, it then causes a lot of tension in relationships. That is because we feel there are people in our lives who do not resonate with this new, easier, and more independent approach — or who are possibly jealous of it (that need to leave our lives or change drastically). That can then create some arguments or disagreements.

We may try to calm these relationship issues, compromise, or keep the peace — at least until we get a tiny bit more of a handle on this different approach to life. However, that proves difficult to do. Relationships keep gnawing at us inside, and we feel the time to deal with them is imminent.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Virgo

Struggling to fully embrace ease, fun, and independence

September 2-11, 2024

We are now trying to adopt new and different habits and strategies, where we approach life in a way that is easier, simpler, faster, more fun, and more in tune with our best interest. However, it feels very uncomfortable to do so — and we are having difficulty letting go and surrendering to this new way. As a result, some old fear around being happy and enjoying life is creeping back in. Some guilt and shame too around resting is also coming back. 

Venus conjunct South Node in Libra (Sept.3-4, 2024)
Mars enters Cancer (Sept. 4, 2024)
Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (Sept. 6-7, 2024)
Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces (Sept. 7-8, 2024)
Mercury re-enters Virgo direct (sept. 9, 2024

First Quarter in Sagittarius

Overcoming lingering fears and issues around ease, fun, and independence

September 11-17, 2024

We are now trying to get more optimism and faith to overcome any lingering fear, guilt, and shame around behaving in an easier and more fun way. We are also trying to take action to do things in the easier and more fun way, even if we still do have issues and these new behaviors come out in unrefined ways. That is then helping us to get more used to this new approach. It is also helping us to formulate a new sense of self that feels more aligned, and new way of looking at relationships that is also more in tune with ourselves. 

Sun in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (Sept. 11-12, 2024)
Mercury leaves post-retrograde shadow in Virgo (Sept. 12, 2024) — 4 degrees
Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (sept. 14-15, 2024)
Mars in Cancer square North Node in Aries (Sept. 14-17, 2024)
Venus in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries (Sept. 16, 2024)

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Finally embracing ease, fun, and independence more fully

September 17-24, 2024

We more fully embrace some new behaviors that are easier, more fun, faster, and more in tune with our best interest. However, this way of doing things is so different from what we are used to that it is making us feel a bit disoriented, like something is wrong or we are becoming someone that is unrecognizable. On top of that, other people we are in relationships with may end longer resonate with this new person we are becoming or feel jealous of the transformation and challenge us with arguments or disagreements.

Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (Sept. 18-19, 2024)
Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces (Sept. 18, 2024)
Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces (Sept. 20-21, 2024)
Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini (Sept. 21, 2024)
Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Sept. 22, 2024)
Sun enters Libra (Sept. 22, 2024)
Venus enters Scorpio (Sept. 22, 2024)

Third Quarter Moon in Cancer

Feeling as though relationships are out of touch with our new sense of self

September 24-October 2, 2024

We are trying to remain as peaceful as we possibly can be with other people while we continue to get grounded in this new approach. However, that is hard to do. We are feeling increasingly impatient with other people who are in our way, or no longer resonate with us — and they are getting increasingly impatient with us. We begin to feel as though something very soon (especially at the solar eclipse) must be done to either end these relationships, or re-adjust them drastically so that we can feel at ease with these new behaviors.

Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (Sept. 24, 2024)
Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces (Sept. 25, 2024)
Mercury enters Libra (Sept. 26, 2024)
Sun conjunct South Node in Libra (sept. 28-29, 2024)
Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra (Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2024)
Mercury conjunct South Node in Libra (Sept. 29, 2024)

Behaving in a way that is easier, more fun, and more independent doesn’t require more difficult effort (even though we do, in fact, need to adopt these different behaviors and stop waiting). Instead, it requires less effort — and more of an openness to just be and let it happen naturally!


Planetary Guide


The Messenger

Mercury is associated with communication, intellect, and the rational mind. It governs how we process information, express ourselves, and engage in mental activities, like learning, writing, and problem-solving.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

  1. What are you trying to do in a way that is easier, shorter, quicker, more independent, and more in your best interest?
  2. What fears, guilt, or shame around this different approach may creep up, making it hard to adopt?
  3. How can you do things in this easier way — DESPITE the fear, guilt, or shame? Is this giving yourself small treats each time you act? Is this taking small actions — one small one at a time? Is this saying affirmations every time before you do something scary? Is this turning off the monkey mind?
  4. How might you feel once you begin to act in this different or easier way? Describe the emotional feelings and the feelings in your body. Would you feel lighter, more successful, or more peaceful? Would your breathing get deeper and your back straighter?
  5. Who do you want to be in relationships after this point with these new behaviors?
  6. What types of relationships would you like to attract after this point with these new behaviors?
  7. What relationships currently in your life support this new way of life that is easier, shorter, quicker, and more in your best interest?
  8. What relationships in your life DO NOT support this new way of life?
  9. With the relationships that do not support this new way of life, can those relationships be changed to be more supportive? If so, how? If they can’t be changed, do they need to be ended?

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