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Lunar Month of Libra 2024: Setting Boundaries With What Is Holding You Back

October 2-November 1, 2024

We have been trying to release some old habits, such as people-pleasing, hesitating, and over-thinking, for almost all of this year. We have also been trying to adopt new habits, such as acting in a more quick, easy, fun, independent, and instinctual way. That is because we are entering a new chapter of life where we do not know what we are doing. As a result, we just need to trust our instinct, enjoy the process, and not let other people encumber us.

These new habits have been very hard to adopt. However, this lunar month, we finally do it more completely! We finally begin to act more independently, quickly, and easily. This is very good. However, as we adopt these new habits, we begin to become less tolerant of any old habits, and of the people keeping us stuck in them.

As a result, we begin to more aggressively assert these new behaviors, and confront the people and things in the way (so that we are no longer going in circles back to old things). That can then cause, arguments, frustration, and confusion.

Because we are feeling frustrated and upset, we then realize that we need to set stronger boundaries with ourselves and others so that these unhelpful situations don’t continue. It is frustrating at first, but it does help. It eventually leads to a new sense of self. It also leads unhelpful relationships to either change for the better unexpectedly, or end unexpectedly.

That is a good thing, leaving us very energized and excited to move forward in this different way. But as we move forward in this different way, some more fear begins to come up. We are afraid of these new behaviors and the new person we are becoming because it is so different from what we are used to.

We try to get the courage and optimism up enough to overcome that fear and keep going. It works a little. But ultimately, unexpected news or communication with relationships and money comes up that shakes our confidence in this new approach, and trips us up. That can feel like a big setback. However, it won’t get us down for long. I believe that next month, after the new moon in Scorpio, we are going to go deep to root out these final fears so that this new way becomes a more permanent and natural part of life.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

Solar Eclipse in Libra

Releasing old habits more completely

October 2-10, 2024

We are now releasing old habits like people pleasing, hesitating, and over-thinking more completely and quickly than we have so far. As a result, we are feeling more passionate, energized, and able to pursue our own best interest. We are also feeling less tolerant of any old habits — and the people who want to keep us stuck in them. As a result, we (or the people we are connecting with) may communicate in strong or aggressive ways to shut down any old habits — and the people who want to keep us stuck in them — that could cause fights, frustration, or confusion.

Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (Fri., Oct. 4, 2024)
Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer (Sat., Oct. 5-Sun., Oct. 6, 2024)
Mars enters pre-rx shadow in Cancer (Sat., October 5, 2024) — 17 degrees
Mercury in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries (Tues., Oct. 8, 2024)
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini (Wed., October 9, 2024) — 21 degrees

First Quarter in Capricorn

Setting boundaries so old habits don’t come back

October 10-17, 2024

Because we are no longer tolerating people-pleasing, hesitating, over-thinking and the people keeping us stuck in those habits (and are frustrated), we realize that we need to set stronger boundaries with others (instead of let fights continue). We are also realizing that we need to create better structures in our own life so that we don’t fall backwards. It is hard to do at first. We, and the people we are connecting with, don’t like this harder line. However, we keep at it. As a result, we feel unexpectedly even more able to act and do what is in our best interest, with more confidence. The relationships we have been struggling with may also either change unexpectedly to be better (now that we are setting boundaries), or unexpectedly end.

Pluto direct in Capricorn (Fri., October 11, 2024) — 29 degrees
Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer (Sat., Oct. 12-Tues., Oct. 15, 2024)
Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (Sat., Oct. 12-Tues., Oct. 15, 2024)
Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (Sun., Oct. 13-Mon., Oct. 14, 2024)
Mercury enters Scorpio (Sun., October 13, 2024)
Sun in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries (Mon., Oct. 14, 2024)
Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus (Mon., Oct. 14-Tues., Oct. 15, 2024)

Full Moon in Aries

Embracing a new identity and way of life

October 17-24, 2024

With old habits (and unhelpful relationships) out of our way, we continue to feel even more empowered and energized to do what is in our best interest — making this month quite passionate. We also become more open to new experiences and ways of being in life that are more exciting! Some fear does creep in as we move into this different energy. However, our excitement, optimism, and inner instinct pushes us onwards to keep going in this new way, despite the fear.

Venus enters Sagittarius (Thurs., October 17, 2024)
Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Mon., Oct. 21-Tues., Oct. 22, 2024)
Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (Mon., Oct. 21-Tues., Oct. 22, 2024)
Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries (Tues., Oct. 22-Wed., Oct. 23, 2024)
Sun enters Scorpio (Tues., October 22, 2024)

Third Quarter Moon in Leo

Trying to overcome the last bit of fear about this new way

October 24-November 1, 2024

Now that we are definitely moving on, into a more passionate experience, we try to adjust our identity and sense of self more fully embrace and embody this new way of life we have recently adopted — so that it is just a natural part of our being and fiber, without pushing or trying so hard to get here. We are also trying to just be happy and have more courage as we proceed. However, it is a little disorienting, because we aren’t used to being like this and we don’t recognize ourselves any more. Some unexpected news (or conversations) may also come about relationships and money which could tempt us backwards momentarily into more fear. That is hard, but we won’t let that get us down for long. Next month we are going to get to the very bottom of our fear and insecurity so that these new behaviors can really thrive.

Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (Sat., Oct. 26-Wed., Oct. 30, 2024)
Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (Mon., Oct. 28, 2024)
Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus (Wed., Oct. 30, 2024)
Mars in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn (Thurs., Oct. 31-Tues., Nov. 5, 2024)

The reason why we have been struggling to adopt new behaviors where we act more passionately, independently, easily, and quickly is because we haven’t yet put the structures and boundaries in place we need to support that.


Planetary Guide


The Lover

Venus represents love, relationships, beauty, and harmony. It governs our capacity for affection, our aesthetic sensibilities, and our ability to form balanced and harmonious connections with others.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

1. How might people-pleasing, over-thinking, and hesitating still be showing up in your life?

2. What boundaries can you put into place with other people who are keeping you stuck in people-pleasing, over-thinking, and hesitating so that it no longer happens?

3. What structures can you put in place with yourself so that you don’t fall back into people-pleasing, over-thinking, and hesitating?

4. What do you want to do once these old habits have been released? Or, in other words, what would life be like if these old things were no longer an issue?

5. What old fears may still creep up around letting these old habits go, and behaving in a different way?

6. How can you remain optimistic or courageous in the face of fear? Is this by having more hope or faith? Is this by focusing on the  future, or creating a new vision of the future? Is this by not thinking about it, and just doing more?

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