December 1-30, 2024
Last month, we more fully embraced a new way of life that is shorter, easier, quicker, and more independent. We also started to move forward on it, doing things in our lives in more of this different way. That is because these new behaviors are going to usher us into a life that is more fun and aligned with who we truly are.
But as we move forward actually doing things in this different approach, unexpected things happen. For some, these may be good unexpected things. For others, they may be challenging. Either way, these unexpected things shake our confidence even more in this new approach. 💭 We begin to feel that maybe this new approach is too good to be true and that we have just been fooling ourselves this whole time.
As a result, we begin to fear that something will go wrong and our lives will come crashing down before us at any minute. 🚧 We also begin to act in weird ways that are unhelpful to our situation. Those are ways in which we think negatively, obsess over the little details, obsess over things that are irrelevant, or focus too much on the “how” of things (instead of the big picture).
That then leads us to sabotage our situation, or do a lot of things that don’t add up to much, causing us to stagnate.
As a result, we feel confused. From that confusion, 👻 we realize that we need to stop indulging in fear and small-minded thinking. Instead, we need to focus more on the bigger picture and have faith things will work out.
We then begin to do that! However, that is not what we are used to doing. As a result, we feel unable to take any action at all (because we don’t want to do the wrong things like we were doing before). That then makes us frustrated because we do not want to be stuck!
But instead of continuing to be frustrated, we finally realize that 🛌🏻 we need to allow ourselves time to rest and re-calibrate. We then allow ourselves to do that with less guilt and shame — and it works!
After a few days to rest and re-calibrate, we then suddenly feel more empowered in these new beliefs. We also take unexpected actions to continue improving our lives using these different behaviors with a more helpful belief system.
These more helpful beliefs don’t guarantee that all problems will go away after this point — just that we now have the right mindset to handle any challenges better so that we can get the best result.
Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

🌑 New Moon in Sagittarius ♐︎
Challenges to our belief systems
December 1-8, 2024
Something unexpected occurs with relationships and money. That then shakes our confidence with some new behaviors that are easier, simpler, quicker, more fun, and more independent (that we have spent months prior to this trying to adopt). As a result, we begin to worry and fear that this new way of life we have embraced won’t work and will eventually come crashing down all around us. Out of this fear, we begin to behave and think in ways that are counter-productive. Those counter-productive ways of thinking and behaving are ways in which we worry about everything, focus too much on the negative, focus too much on small things that don’t matter, and focus too much on how things will happen (instead of believe that they CAN and WILL happen no matter what). We have no faith in ourselves and the situation. That makes us feel confused and devote a lot of time and energy to things that aren’t productive.
Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (Dec. 2, 2024)
Sun in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (Dec. 3-4, 2024)
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini (Dec. 3-4, 2024)
Sun conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (Dec. 5, 2024)
Mars Retrograde starts in Leo (Dec. 6, 2024) — 6 degrees
Venus enters Aquarius (Dec. 7, 2024)
Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (Dec. 7, 2024)
Sun in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini (Dec. 7-8, 2024)
Neptune direct in Pisces (Dec. 7, 2024)

🌓 First Quarter Moon in Pisces ♓
Increasing our faith and belief
December 8-15, 2024
We try to increase our beliefs and get more faith that everything will be fine if we continue in these new behaviors. That then helps us to re-direct our actions to things that are more productive and helpful. Those actions are ones where we think less about the negative details or “how to” of things — and more on following our passion and instinct. That then helps us to re-work some things from last week for the better, with more knowledge of what our insecurities are and more optimism about the future. As a result of our actions, something good with relationships and money begins to make itself more seen.
Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (Dec. 10-11, 2024)
Venus in Aquarius opposite Mars Retrograde in Leo (Dec. 11-12, 2024)
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius trine Mars Retrograde in Leo (Dec. 13-16, 2024)

🌕 Full Moon in Gemini ♊
Getting clarity on more empowering beliefs
December 15-22, 2024
We now get more clarity on the new empowering beliefs we need to adopt and how important faith is to our situation. However, we are still a bit sensitive about this new belief system since it feels so new. We are also a bit overwhelmed by how different it is. We are also worried that we will lose this new belief system and not be able to hold onto it in a consistent way. As a result, we don’t feel able to make any big moves in our situation until we adapt more. That is because we don’t want to inadvertently fall back into old behaviors and unnecessarily complicate our situation. This then makes us feel a bit stuck and frustrated, like we are not being productive enough.
Mercury Retrograde ends in Sagittarius (Dec. 15, 2024) — 6 degrees
Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (Dec. 17-18, 2024)
Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (Dec. 19-29, 2024)
Sun enters Capricorn (Dec. 21, 2024)

🌓 Third Quarter Moon in Libra ♎
Re-calibrating to new beliefs
December 22-30, 2024
We still feel unable to make significant moves forward in our situation because we are still adapting to new abundant beliefs. We also still feel a bit frustrated and unproductive that we still haven’t fully adapted yet to these new beliefs. Because of that, we then give ourselves more permission to rest in order to adjust to these new beliefs with more grace. That then helps us to finally embrace these new beliefs that are more empowering. It also helps us to make some sudden and unexpected decisions to do more things in our lives in a different approach (faster, easier, simpler, more fun) and with these more empowering beliefs. It still feels a bit uncomfortable, but we do these things anyways because we know they are best.
Sun in Capricorn square North Node in Aries (Dec. 22-23, 2024)
Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini (Dec. 26-27, 2024)
Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (Dec. 26-27, 2024)
Venus In Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Dec. 27-28, 2024)
Chiron direct in Aries (Dec. 29, 2024) — 19 degrees
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.” – Henry Ford.

Planetary Guide
The Great Benefic
Jupiter represents expansion, abundance, and growth. It symbolizes optimism, higher knowledge, and a broad, inclusive perspective, encouraging individuals to seek opportunities for development.
Questions for Reflection
You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.
1. What are you trying to do that is easier, shorter, simpler, more fun, and more independent?
2. What positive result are you hoping to achieve because of these behaviors that will make life better?
3. Do you truly believe this different approach will work to usher you into this positive result? If yes, why? If no, why not? Has some unexpected event come up to shake your belief?
4. If you don’t believe fully that this different way of life will work, how might you behave differently?
5. How might those behaviors sabotage your progress or take you further away from your goal?
6. If you do believe fully that this different way of life will work, how might you behave differently?
7. How might those behaviors support your progress and get you closer to your goal?
6. How can you believe more in this new way of life and keep having faith it will work, even if it doesn’t seem like it?