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Aquarius May 19-27, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

This is the weekly astrology horoscope for Aquarius for the lunar week of the new moon in Taurus, which starts on Friday, May 19, 2023 and ends on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at the first quarter moon in Virgo.

Note: Please watch the weekly horoscopes for your sun, moon, rising, and mars, although I believe rising should be the most accurate. If you are a late degree rising, the next sign up may resonate more.

Aquarius —  This week, you are feeling more in tune with your emotions, and more secure with your home and family.

As a result, you are trying to do more things that you might love and enjoy with relationships, since you are feeling more grounded.

However, that is proving difficult to do. That is because you are too in your head about life, or are too concerned about what other people are thinking, and are still a bit detached from the others.

That is then making you feel very frustrated and upset. It also making you doubt that you are ever going to be able to have a better job, health, habit, or routine that is more settled and organized.

As a result, I recommend that you hold off on making bigger moves to be with relationships or partner with people.

Instead, I recommend that you focus more on being in tune with your emotions and securing your home and family.

That will help you to partner with relationships LATER (probably around October) when you are more ready.

Aspects I mention in this video:

  • New Moon in Taurus — Fri., May 19, 2023 (28 degrees)
  • Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius (Sat., May 20-Thurs., May 25, 2023)
  • Venus in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (Wed. May 24-Thurs., May 25, 2023)
  • Mars in Leo square North Node in Taurus (Thurs., May 25-Sat., May 27, 2023)

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