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Third Quarter Moon in Aries July 9-17, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

An inner battle

This is your general astrology horoscope for all signs for the lunar week of the third quarter moon in Aries, which starts on Sunday, July 9, 2023 and ends on Monday, July 17, 2023 at the new moon in Cancer.
This week, we are trying to more fully adjust our identity and behaviors to a different way of life that is more emotional, sensitive, vulnerable, and nurturing.

That is because we recently realized that those behaviors will fix our problems from the past few years that have been keeping us stuck (where we have been too cold, harsh, and unforgiving) and get us moving again.

However, for almost all of this week, we are resisting doing just that and are staying stuck in these old habits and behaviors that are too stiff and unforgiving.

We are resisting this change because old patterns are hard to break, change is scary, and there is some old trauma from the past that still needs to be healed.

Because of this, we are feeling very upset and ANGRY this week, like nothing is moving or being fixed in our lives in a way we might like, which is very difficult.

But even though we are stuck in old patterns, resisting change, and are very angry — some positive force is starting to emerge within our soul gradually to guide us forward into this new way of life.

However, that positive force won’t fully get its bearings until at least 2-3 weeks from now, leaving us this week in the throes of a big inner battle between the backwards leaning impulse that wants to stay stuck and the forward leaning impulse that wants to move forward.

Because of that, I recommend that you make a conscious choice this week to eventually adopt new behaviors that are more sensitive, emotional, caring and nurturing, even if you don’t want to.

I also recommend that you make a bunch of smaller decisions after that in order to help you eventually get closer to that goal. The smaller decisions I recommend you make is to choose to go deeper into your trauma around the past to heal, release, and change old behaviors that are too harsh and cold. I also recommend that you make a choice to become more confident in your emotional expression and gather the talents necessary in order to make that possible.

Doing those things will help you to eventually (although probably not this week) get unstuck in your life and feel more at ease.

Aspects happening this week — 14:05 Timestamp (I have bolded the alignments I discuss in this video.)

  • Third Quarter Moon in Aries — Sun., July 9, 2023 (17 degrees)
  • Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (Sun., July 9, 2023)
  • Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn (Mon., July 10, 2023)
  • Mars enters Virgo (Mon., July 10, 2023)
  • Mars in Virgo trine North Node in Taurus (Mon., July 10-Wed., July 12, 2023)
  • Mercury enters Leo (Tues., July 11, 2023)
  • Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (Tues., July 11-Wed., July 12, 2023)
  • Mercury in Leo square North Node in Taurus (Tues., July 11, 2023)
  • Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (Fri., July 14-Sat., July 15, 2023)
  • Pluto in Capricorn square North Node in Taurus (Sun., July 16-Sat., Aug. 12, 2023)
  • New Moon in Cancer — Mon., July 17, 2023 (24 degrees)

Summary and other notes — 45:45 Timestamp

Inside Degrees — 1:51:45 Timestamp

Tarot Cards — 2:00:05 Timestamp

  • 5 of Wands reversed
  • Death reversed
  1. derek108 says:

    omg this week is so intense!!! so many crazy alignments!! Thanks for the great explanation and warning!! it might be a good idea to stay inside all week lol

  2. Ariela says:

    I’m already opening up to the idea of being more comfortable expressing my emotions. For now, this week, I’m practicing by writing them down and by slightly shifting my communication style to a little less avoidant 🙂 Baby steps

  3. Happy One says:

    So that is what is going! Thanks for the clarification!

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