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Capricorn Moon July 30-August 1, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

Crossing a threshold

This is your collective astrology horoscope for the moon in the sign of Capricorn, which it will enter on Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 12 a.m. ET and leave on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 12 a.m. ET, when it will enter the sign of Aquarius.

I still do daily horoscopes on, if you would like to follow me there. You can find those horoscope on the Daily Planetary Overview page here.

We are now trying to finish making some changes we need to create a more emotional lifestyle and tie up any details in the way of that.

Early on during this time period, that is happening more easily and quickly than we could have expected!

As a result, we begin to feel like we have crossed a significant threshold, or turned a significant corner — like this emotional lifestyle we have been trying to create is finally becoming more real and enduring.

This is a very positive thing.

But even though it is a positive thing, it triggers us greatly and makes us feel very uncomfortable. 

That is because we have been striving to get to a more emotional experience of life for so long, that we do not know how to just BE in this experience now, without pushing.

That is also because we aren’t used to just being at ease in life, and still feel as though we need to prove ourselves and work hard (remnants from other trauma from the past 15 years).

These uncomfortable feelings then intensify throughout the rest of the time period and make us feel even more stuck and upset.

As a result, I recommend that you stop pushing yourself to feel or be a certain way when you aren’t ready yet. I also recommend that you finish making any adjustments you feel you still need to make (especially with relationships). I also recommend that you take some time to think about your situation and consider possibilities.

Aspects — 10:55 Timestamp

Summary & Intuitive Messages — 32:50 Timestamp

Tarot — 1:13:40 Timestamp

  • Knight of Wands
  • The Emperor

Here is the complete list of aspects the moon is making:

I have bolded the aspects I mention in this video. All times are listed in Eastern Time, a timezone on the East Coast of the United Sates, which includes New York City.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

  • Moon enters Capricorn (12 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn trine Mercury in Virgo (2 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (8 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn quincunx Sun in Leo (12 p.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn trine Mars in Virgo (8 p.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (9 p.m. ET)

Monday, July 31, 2023

  • Moon in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries (7 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (12 p.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn quincunx Venus Rx in Leo (8 p.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (8 p.m. ET)
  • Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (9 p.m. ET)
  • Moon in Capricorn square South Node in Libra (9 p.m. ET)

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

  • Moon enters Aquarius (12 a.m. ET)
  1. Jewellene says:

    I hope we have access to the Aquarius full moon video before our accounts get deleted. Tomorrow is my birthday! 🙂

  2. Jewellene says:

    also, you don’t have to refund me anything Brittany.

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