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Lunar Month of Taurus 2023: Unable to Progress

This is a monthly horoscope, which is correlated to the lunar cycle. It starts on May 19, 2023 and ends on June 18, 2023.

We feel more solid and secure in a new and better experience of life — like we are ready to proceed in it. However, we don’t know what we want to do next in this new experience that we would enjoy, and are feeling stuck. Anything we attempt to do seems to backfire. We try to get understanding about why this is, but no answers come.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Taurus

Struggling to move forward (again)

May 19-27, 2023

We want to move forward into a new and better experience and act on some ideas we have recently received. However, we are still struggling to do so. That is because we are too much in our heads — over-thinking the situation. It is also because we are being too passive and are worrying too much about what other people think. This is very upsetting and triggering, making us feel stuck.

Mars enters Leo (May 20, 2023)
Sun enters Gemini (May 21, 2023)

First Quarter in Virgo

Confused about what to do next

May 27-June 3, 2023

We are trying to work through our blockages to movement by thinking about our situations more or working around it. However, we still aren’t able to get clarity, leaving us sad and confused. Meanwhile, our new situation continues to feel more stable, secure, and solid.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Trying anything that will get us unstuck

June 3-10, 2023

Even though we are confused, we try to take action on more new things in our lives anyways — and on whatever ideas or interests come to us. However, that backfires, leaving us feeling stuck, and frustrated yet again. We don’t understand why this is happening and why we are stuck (although I believe it is because we are too in our heads, worried about others, and passive — and therefore ignoring our emotions).

Venus enters Leo (June 5, 2023)

Third Quarter in Pisces

Going inwards for understanding

June 10-18, 2023

We now take a bit of a timeout from our circumstance and try to go inwards to connect with our intuition and the Divine to get answers about why we are stuck. However, the answers about why we are stuck aren’t really coming, leaving us still a bit sad and disillusioned.

Pluto re-enters Capricorn retrograde (June 11, 2023)
Mercury enters Gemini (June 11, 2023)
Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces (June 17, 2023)

Confusion is often a sign that something deep within our soul and emotions is not being heard or understood. It is a call to go inwards first and foremost.

Planetary Guide


The Lover

Venus is the ruler of this new moon in Taurus, and therefore holds extra important over this lunar month. It represents love, relationships, beauty, and harmony. It governs our capacity for affection, our aesthetic sensibilities, and our ability to form balanced and harmonious connections with others.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

  1. What ideas or options might you want to pursue next in your life that you feel are happier, more fun, and more in alignment with who you truly are?
  2. What are the logical pros of each of those options — the good things about each of them? Write a list of each one.
  3. What are the logical cons of each of those options — the challenging things about each of them? Write a list of each one.
  4. What are your emotions or intuition telling you about each of those options? Write that down next to the pros and cons for each one. It is OK if you don’t know the answer to this yet. Next month will help you figure this out better.
  5. How can you quiet the logical mind with the pros and cons — and instead follow more to your emotions and intuition? Is this meditation or journaling? Is this taking a break from your situation? Or is this letting yourself experiment to better understand what your intuition is telling you?
  6. If you fall back into over-thinking or being too logical, how can you pick yourself up, avert course, or be compassionate to yourself? 

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