


Natal Astrology

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Sagittarius June 26-July 3, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

June 25, 2023

This week, you may act out suddenly and unexpectedly by just being present with and allowing yourself to move, travel, study, teach, or do something new that is in alignment with your heart, which is triggering.

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Category 1

This week, you are unexpectedly pursuing a new job, health situation, habit, or daily routine (like starting something different, traveling, or studying something on a regular basis, which could feel a bit triggering.

Sagittarius June 18-26, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

June 17, 2023

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Category 2

Sagittarius June 18-26, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

June 17, 2023

This week, you are unexpectedly pursuing a new job, health situation, habit, or daily routine (like starting something different, traveling, or studying something on a regular basis, which could feel a bit triggering.

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Category 3

Over the past 15 years, you have struggled to feel grounded, align with your values, and make money (especially in a way that is supportive of your emotions), causing you a lot of pain. This is now coming up to be deeply healed.

Sagittarius June 10-18, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

June 10, 2023

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Category 4

Sagittarius June 10-18, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

June 10, 2023

Over the past 15 years, you have struggled to feel grounded, align with your values, and make money (especially in a way that is supportive of your emotions), causing you a lot of pain. This is now coming up to be deeply healed.

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Category 5

This week, you need to focus on feeling more worthy of a better job, health, habit, or routine that is more organized and secure. You may need to put off any new projects (like moving, traveling, or studying) for another time.

Sagittarius June 3-10, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

June 2, 2023

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Category 6

Sagittarius May 27-June 3, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

May 27, 2023

The unexpected blessings you are receiving this week are: a new and better job (or more clarity about it), more money on your job, increased health (or clarity about that), a more organized daily life, and/or a more efficient daily routine.

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Category 1

This week, you are trying to do something new that is more in alignment with your heart. However, that is proving difficult to do because you are still too in your head about what to choose, or worried about how it will go.

Sagittarius May 19-27, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

May 25, 2023

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Category 2

Sagittarius May 19-27, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

May 25, 2023

This week, you are trying to do something new that is more in alignment with your heart. However, that is proving difficult to do because you are still too in your head about what to choose, or worried about how it will go.

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Category 3

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