Bypassing the healing
This is your collective astrology horoscope for the moon in the sign of Aquarius, which it will enter on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 5 a.m. ET and leave on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 7 a.m. ET, when it will enter the sign of Pisces.
We are now trying to detach from some recent blessings that have started to occur in our lives so that we can get a different perspective on them, calm down, and get feedback from others.
However, that is not the right approach to our situation, and we are doing it to too much of an unhealthy extreme.
Instead, we need to be engaging with the blessings, enjoying them, and trusting our instincts.
As a result, we feel stuck, uncertain of what to do, frustrated, upset, and may act out in weird ways.
The reason why all of this is happening because we have some unresolved trauma from the past that hasn’t been healed, keeping us on guard all the time, like an emergency will happen at any moment.
At some point during this time period, we begin to become more aware that this is the issue, which needs to be resolved.
However, we end up bypassing the real healing that needs to occur in order to enjoy more of these blessings because healing is hard and we are not ready for it.
As a result, the real issue never gets resolved, and we end up still feeling stuck in our situations, frustrated, and uncertain of what to do.
Because of that, I recommend accepting that you are not ready yet to heal and being patient with yourself. I also recommend that you slow your situations and blessings back down to a slow, stable, and secure approach so that you feel more calm, worthy, and safe to heal these emotions at a later date.
Aspects — 8:50 Timestamp
Summary & Intuitive Messages — 36:40 Timestamp
Tarot — 1:15:50 Timestamp
- Ace of Wands reversed
- The High Priestess reversed
Here is the complete list of aspects the moon is making:
I have bolded the aspects I mention in this video. All times are listed in Eastern Time, a timezone on the East Coast of the United Sates, which includes New York City.
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
- Moon enters Aquarius (5 a.m. ET)
- Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (5 a.m. ET)
- Moon in Aquarius opposite Venus in Leo (7 a.m. ET)
- Moon in Aquarius square South Node in Scorpio (10 a.m. ET)
- Moon in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (12 p.m. ET)
- Moon in Aquarius opposite Mars in Leo (10 p.m. ET)
Thursday, June 8, 2023
- Moon in Aquarius trine Sun in Gemini (9 a.m. ET)
- Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries (12 p.m. ET)
- Moon in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2 p.m. ET)
Friday, June 8, 2023
- Moon in Aquarius square Mercury in Taurus (12 a.m. ET)
- Moon enters Pisces (7 a.m. ET)
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Hi! Can I ask what you do not like about it?
Too touchy. Try to pause and jumps from spot. Can’t seem to pause and then pick it up again while watching, losing my place.
Getting back to where I was has been challenging.
I have found if I click my screen off the mini player appears and then it works but I like to have full screen not just a bar.
Just getting used to it and have been frustrated.