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Lunar Month of Leo 2024: Healing Guilt, Shame, & Fear Around Asserting Ourselves

August 4-September 2, 2024

We have recently started to realize that we need to go about life after this point in a way that is shorter, easier, quicker, more independent, and more in tune with our own best interest as an individual. That is because we are not quite sure what we are doing in life (after entering a new experience) and need more freedom to make mistakes. It is also because we are now learning to have more fun with life and take it less seriously.

Well, this month, we have started to get accustomed to this new approach, and want to do it more! We want to do things in a way that is even shorter, quicker, easier, more independent, and more in tune with our own self interest than we were doing before. This is a good thing.

However, as we do that, we continue to face resistance for this different approach (similar to last lunar month). A lot of this resistance is coming from other people we are in relationship with who are telling us this shorter, easier, and independent way of doing things is mean, selfish, egotistical, or not going to work. Some resistance is also coming from our own inner voice that is uncomfortable asserting itself, telling us we need to feel guilty and ashamed for doing things in an easier way because it isn’t perfect, or we aren’t working hard enough. Some other resistance may be coming from fear about money — and what would happen financially — if we did what was best for ourselves.

That may then make us very upset, uncomfortable, and confused about which way is the best way to go about life — and about whether or not we should continue doing things shorter, easier, more independently, and in our best interest.

As a result, we may stop doing things in this different way momentarily and fall back into old habits (such as doing things in ways that are long, drawn out, complex, and codependent). Doing that, though, then makes us unhappy, because we don’t want that. As a result, we (or the people we are connecting with) may then try one more time to act in this different way unexpectedly, only to face more resistance — causing more arguments and personal triggers (which could also in turn confuse us again).

Because of that, what we are learning this month is to hold off on doing things more in this different way (because we aren’t really emotionally ready to do so), and instead take the time to more deeply understand the triggers around this new way of life, work through them, and heal them.

We are also learning to detach from the ideas, perspectives, and opinions of others who are telling us we are bad, selfish, mean, or wrong for doing things in this different way — and the people themselves who are bringing us down (which can herald the ending of some long-term relationships). We are also learning to separate from our own negative self-talk and mindset that is telling us this new way of doing things is too lazy or not perfect enough.

It is a lot easier said than done, but if we can do it — it will give us a totally different perspective on life that is more liberating, more in tune with our emotions, and more confident and secure. If we can do it, it will also give us a different perspective on relationships that will allow our relationships to become more equal, fair, and balanced or for us to seek out more equal, fair, and balanced relationships with different types of people in the future.

Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Leo

Trying to do more things that are easier and in our best interest

August 4-12, 2024

We are trying to go about life in a way that is even shorter, easier, more independent, and more in tune with our own best interest. However, we are met with immediate resistance about this different way of life, which is very uncomfortable. That resistance is from other people we are in relationship with who are telling us this way of life is mean, selfish, egotistical, or not going to work. It is also from our own inner voice that is telling us this different way of life is too lazy, not perfect enough, or not going to work. The resistance is also coming from fear about money and what would happen if we were to do things differently. We are trying to re-adjust our perspective on this resistance so we can continue to do things in this different way, but it is difficult.

Venus enters Virgo (August 4, 2024)
Mercury Rx starts in Virgo (August 5, 2024) — 4 degrees

Mercury Rx conjunct Venus in Virgo (August 7-8, 2024)

First Quarter in Scorpio

Facing big triggers and resistance for our actions

August 12-19, 2024

We now feel very uncomfortable about our ability to assert ourselves and do things in a different way that is shorter and easier — and are stewing a bit inside. We are having trouble understanding why we are facing resistance and what to do next about it. We may stop trying to do things in this easier and more independent way as a result. However, not doing things in this different way upsets us, because we aren’t doing deep down what we truly want. As a result, we (or the people we are connecting with) may unexpectedly try to do things in this different way and assert ourselves. That can then re-create the resistance we experienced earlier with ourselves and others, and bring up more triggers.

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini (August 12-15, 2024)
Mercury re-enters Leo retrograde (August 14, 2024)
Mars and Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (August 15-23, 2024)
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Leo (August 18, 2024)
Sun and Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (August 18-20, 2024)
Venus in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini, opposite Saturn in Pisces (August 18-19, 2024)

Full Moon in Aquarius

Letting go of the resistance and healing

August 19-26, 2024

We are still experience resistance and triggers around asserting ourselves and doing things in an easier and quicker way. As a result, we may be engaging in arguments or disagreements with others. We may also be engaging in tons of negative self-talk, and be at odds with ourselves. Because we are so triggered, we eventually learn that we need to hold off on asserting ourselves and this different approach to life more because we aren’t emotionally ready to yet. We also learn that we need to take the time to heal from these resistances, work through the triggers, and detach from them. (Those triggers are that we are being too mean, selfish, egotistical, lazy, and not perfect enough.)

Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini (August 21-24, 2024)
Sun enters Virgo (August 22, 2024)
Mercury in Leo Rx trine Chiron in Aries (August 22-24, 2024)

Third Quarter Moon in Gemini

Getting a very different perspective on our actions

August 26-September 2, 2024

We continue to hold off on future actions, or backtrack a little bit on what previous occurred, in order to give ourselves time to reflect on what has happened. Doing that then helps us to heal more, adjust our perspective on what has previously occurred, and overcome some of our previous triggers. It also helps us to feel more secure and confident in our original approach of asserting ourselves (which could occur in an unexpected or surprising way). It is also helps us to adopt a different approach to relationships — where we feel more able to let go of the relationships that are not in alignment with us and welcome different relationships in that are in alignment.

Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (August 26-27, 2024)
Mercury retrograde ends in Leo (August 28, 2024) — 21 degrees
Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces (August 28, 2024)
Venus enters Libra (August 29, 2024)
Uranus retrograde in Taurus (September 1, 2024)

Pluto re-enters Capricorn retrograde (September 1, 2024)

Asserting ourselves and our own best interests does not make us selfish or mean (regardless of what other people say). It makes us more at peace with ourselves and in touch with out own needs. This month, we are healing this guilt, fear, and shame around asserting ourselves so that we can remain firm in our convictions.


Planetary Guide


The Entertainer

This month’s new moon is in Leo, which is correlated to the Sun. As a result, the Sun holds extra importance over this month and what we are learning. The Sun represents the core essence of an individual’s identity and self-expression. It symbolizes conscious self-awareness, ego, and the fundamental drive for self-realization and personal growth.

Questions for Reflection

You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.

  1. What do you now want to do in a way that is easier, shorter, quicker, more independent, and more in your best interest?
  2. How can you pursue those things in this way? What would that look like?
  3. What resistance may you receive from the other people in your life about these things? Will they not like this approach? With they think you are being mean or selfish?
  4. What resistance may you receive from your own inner mind or self-talk? Do you think that doing things in this different way is too lazy, or too easy, or not going to work? Do you think that you should be working harder or doing more? Do you think that you should be more agreeable and fair with others?
  5. What resistance might you feel is there about money or your financial situation? Do you worry that acting more easily or quickly will cost you a lot of money, lose you a lot of money, or not work?
  6. How can you better handle any resistance that you may receive from your relationships (so that they do not stop you from this different approach)? Is this by putting better boundaries in place, spending more time alone, or working on some of your projects in private?
  7. How can you better adjust your mindset and inner self-talk so that you can become more accepting of this different approach? Do you need to tell yourself that you are NOT mean, selfish, or lazy?
  8. How can you calm yourself about your finances? Sometimes you need to take a short term loss to make a bigger gain later. Is there something you can do financially to help make this different approach less scary?

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