January 29, 2025 – February 27, 2025
We have done all that we logically know how to do since 2020 to end an old chapter of life we did not like and step into a new one. It has worked a little. However, we still feel a bit stuck in these old things we have been trying to escape for the past few years, leaving us at odds with ourselves and what to do next.
This lunar month, we finally begin to accept that there is nothing else left that we know how to do to change our circumstances. As a result, we just need to let go of our situation and any desired outcomes — and just surrender to the process.
That is a good thing, but it still doesn’t give us the clarity or forward momentum we are hoping for. As a result, we feel a bit sad and anxious.
But because we do not have the clarity that we so deeply desire, we suddenly realize that we have to develop other ways of coping with this confusing experience that are different from anything we have tried before.
The different ways of coping are ways in which we rest, relax, go with the flow, and be more compassionate and open-minded — instead of forcing, pushing, or structuring things.
That then gives us a very unusual perspective on life and what is possible for us, which may be startling at first. That different perspective is that good things can happen for us without as much pushing or effort. It also makes us feel more excited about life and motivated.
But embodying these new traits and perspectives more fully and in a consistent way is difficult. They still feel foreign, unusual, and uncertain. We need to give ourselves a little bit more time resting, relaxing, and going with the flow (into next lunar month) before things begin to come together more easily.
Explore this lunar month’s four major moon phases below.

New Moon in Aquarius
Discovering new skills and abilities
January 29 – February 5, 2025
This week, we are trying to surrender anything in our lives that feels stuck to a higher power and detach from any negativity emotions around that. That is a good thing. However, it still isn’t helping us to see clearly about our situation and what is next, making us a little sad and anxious. As a result, we begin to realize that we need to learn to work with this confusion instead of against it. As a result, we suddenly start to realize new ways of being and behaving in a world where we have no answers about how best to proceed. These new behaviors, skills, and abilities are ones where we rest, relax, go more with the flow, and honor more of our emotions.
Neptune conjunct North Node in Pisces (Sun., Jan. 26-Fri., Feb. 21, 2025)
Uranus direct in Taurus (Thurs., Jan. 30, 2025) — 23 degrees
Venus conjunct Neptune and North Node in Pisces ( Fri., Jan. 31-Sun., Feb. 2, 2025)
Mars in Cancer square Chiron in Aries (Sat., Feb. 1-Fri., Feb. 7, 2025)
Venus enters Aries (Tues., Feb. 4, 2025)
Jupiter direct in Gemini (Tues., Feb. 4, 2025) — 11 degrees

First Quarter Moon in Taurus
Getting new ideas about what is possible
February 5-12, 2025
We continue to explore new abilities where we rest, go with the flow, and honor more of our emotions (since we don’t have any intellectual clarity about our next steps). That helps us to feel more calm. It also helps us to get a very new perspective on ourselves, life, and what is possible for us in the future, which can come suddenly and be a bit unexpected. This sudden and unexpected perspective is that we don’t need to try so hard to get the things we want or make them happen, and that instead we can let them come to us naturally without as much effort.
Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (Thurs., Feb. 6-Wed., Feb. 12, 2025)
Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius (Sat., Feb. 8-Mon., Feb. 10, 2025)
Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Mon., Feb. 10, 2025)
Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Tues., Feb. 11-Wed., Feb. 12, 2025)

Full Moon in Leo
Exploring new abilities and perspectives
February 12-20, 2025
We now try to have more fun with these new abilities and perspectives that honor rest and ease. However, it feels unusual to rest, have fun, and be at ease in a more consistent way, when that is not how we had been living prior (and we still have so many unanswered questions). As a result, we may start to get confused or uncertain about these new perspectives because of this. However, I think in some way, we know deep down that resting and going with the flow is really the only option we have left to improve our lives. As a result, we continue with it anyways and trust it will lead us somewhere positive in the future.
Mercury enters Pisces (Fri., Feb. 14, 2025)
Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini (Thurs., Feb. 20, 2025)
Sun enters Pisces (Tues., Feb. 18, 2025)

Third Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
Understanding the value of these new abilities
February 20-27, 2025
We continue to explore new abilities to rest, relax, and go with the flow (even if it feels difficult or uncomfortable). That then helps us to be more at ease in our situation and more energized — like these new abilities really are in our best interest. It also helps us to see that things in our lives already are changing in positive ways, without as much of our effort. It also starts to give us more ideas about how to move forward in life and overcome more stuck energy from the past. However, we aren’t ready yet to fully act. Instead, we need a little bit more time to relax and refresh.
Mercury in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer (Sun., Feb. 23, 2025)
Mars Retrograde ends in Cancer (Sun., Feb. 23, 2025) — 17 degrees
Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (Tues., Feb. 25, 2025)
When you can’t see what to do next, you are forced to develop different abilities and perspectives in order to navigate the dark.
Resting, relaxing, having fun, and letting go are not a distraction from anything in your life that is not working. It is actually the solution.

Planetary Guide
The Revolutionary
Uranus represents innovation, originality, and sudden change. It governs unconventional thinking, breakthroughs, and urges us to embrace our unique individuality.
Questions for Reflection
You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.
1. What have you been trying to change for the better in your life since 2020?
2. What good things have happened since 2020 to help you change your life?
3. What good things have NOT YET happened since 2020 that you would like to change your life?
4. What have you previously tried to do to change your life since 2020 that hasn’t worked?
5. What have you previously NOT yet tried to change those things? (Hint: This is most likely resting, letting this situation go, not worrying about it, having fun, and going with the flow.)
5. How can you let any of your worries about this situation go, rest more, and have more fun (even if your life is still not where you want it to be)?
6. Does it make you feel uncomfortable to let go of this situation, rest, relax, and have fun? Why or why not?
7. How can resting, relaxing, or having fun benefit your situation? Could it help to give you a new perspective you did not have before that could shift your situation?
7. How can you continue to rest, relax, and have fun even if it is uncomfortable?