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Pisces Moon June 9-11, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

Strong Emotion

This is your collective astrology horoscope for the moon in the sign of Pisces, which it will enter on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 7 a.m. ET and leave on Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 10 a.m. ET, when it will enter the sign of Aries.

We are now trying to step back from some recent blessings in our lives that we have been struggling to manage so that we can better understand what the real emotional cause of our issues is.

Early on during this time period, that is a bit hard to do because we are still too stuck in our heads, overthinking things, and concerned about other people’s opinions.

However, a strong inner prompting from our intuition or the Divine encourages us to get out of the head anyways and drop more into the emotions to get the understanding we need.

As a result, we then allow ourselves to tap into more of our emotions.

And that — releases a very strong tidal wave of emotion that many of us did not see coming. This strong tidal wave of emotion is about a lot of unhealed trauma from the past 15 years that has not fully been resolved (and now needs to be) — where we ignored our true nature, or were taken advantage of by others.

This strong emotion is now coming over us because we have created a safe enough space away from the trauma of the past few years in order for that to occur.

It makes us feel sad, angry, overwhelmed, exhausted, and upset — and may give us some weird dreams too.

However, once we have felt and purged all of these negative emotions, we then feel a huge sigh of relief and playfulness come over us.

We feel that way because we have just worked some important trauma through the body and released it. We also feel that way because we now know what our emotional issue is stopping our blessings — which is unhealed trauma from the past where we ignored our emotions.

We also start to see these strong emotions as something very interesting and curious that we need to explore more about in the coming days and weeks.

Aspects — 9:00 Timestamp

Summary & Intuitive Messages — 36:45 Timestamp

Tarot — 1:36:25 Timestamp

  • Queen of Swords reversed
  • 6 of Pentacles reversed

Here is the complete list of aspects the moon is making:

I have bolded the aspects I mention in this video. All times are listed in Eastern Time, a timezone on the East Coast of the United Sates, which includes New York City.

Friday, June 9, 2023

  • Moon enters Pisces (7 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Pisces sextile North Node in Taurus (12 p.m. ET)
  • Moon in Pisces quincunx Venus in Leo (12 p.m. ET)
  • Moon in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (3 p.m. ET)
  • Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces (6 p.m. ET)

Saturday, June 10, 2023

  • Moon in Pisces quincunx Mars in Leo (1 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Pisces square Sun in Gemini (3 p.m. ET) — Third quarter moon!
  • Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (5 p.m. ET)

Sunday, June 11, 2023

  • Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5 a.m. ET)
  • Pluto retrogrades back to Capricorn (6 a.m. ET)
  • Mercury enters Gemini (7 a.m. ET)
  • Moon in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (8 a.m. ET)
  • Moon enters Aries (10 a.m. ET)
  1. derek108 says:

    Excellent work Brittany!!!😁 happy birthday too!! Though i dont know what day it is😭 im glad you explained what the extreme capricorn issue is and that to balance it cancer qualities need to be employed. Ive been thinking about what you said with pluto in the birthchart being so extreme that it makes that houses qualities become the opposite. Which was my question. So in my case 10th house becoming 4th house (mars instead of venus ruled for career). Still not sure about that, i will contemplate it more, yet is probably my libra side being indecisive🥴. In the full moon weekly video you said about the venus opposite pluto alignment creating a situation where one stops, does nothing or keeps things at arms distance. Which is exactly me with money/relationships, its just too intense. When you said my scorpio scares you i realised my only water/emotional sign has pluto, saturn and the south node in it, my emotions are so intense, theyre not even clearly defined, just extreme!😟😫🤣. The healing you have been talking about is happening, i hope yours is going well too, i saw you get a little sad in this one, hope your ok🥺. Excited for the moon in pisces to bring some pieces together. Your work is always appreciated.

    • Hi! Good memory. My birthday is June 13, so a few days away still when the moon is in Taurus. I will be 35! The way I see Pluto in the 10th house is a hard childhood, usually the result of an absent father (emotionally or physically), or a father who was too strict (maybe even abusive). That then causes the 10th house Pluto person (you) to take on the role of the father instead for the entire family too soon, at a young age, when you shouldn’t have to, robbing you of a carefree childhood where you got to explore yourself and your feelings and do silly things kids like to do. If it doesn’t cause the 10th house Pluto person (you) to take on the role of the father, then it causes them to feel as though they have to hide or sacrifice their inner feelings and deep desires in order to be a responsible figure. I have heard you mention a mother and sister in your comments, but not a father or brother. Perhaps they have put you in a position where you feel you are responsible for them and have to put on a strong front or appear a certain way to protect them? This creates a person (you) that when they become an adult, they have a hard time being childlike or carefree, honoring their emotions, and doing the things they desire — because they never were able to do it when younger… and now all of a sudden they are older and they feel it is too late, the time has passed. They feel overburdened with work and responsibility, living a life they don’t emotionally connect with and feel unable to escape. As a result, the 10th house Pluto person needs to consciously choose to honor and understand their emotions to an extreme degree and indulge some of those, in order to bring this extreme sense of responsibility from childhood into balance. In your case, the opposite point of Pluto for you is in the 4th house, in Taurus. But with Aries (Mars ruled) being on the cusp of the 4th, I would consider them together. Mars and Venus (Taurus — not Venus Libra), as your emotional nature that you have not cultivated that needs to be cultivated more. What is this that needs to be cultivated — The Taurus we have been talking about already. But Aries/Mars — It is impulsive, aggressive, angry, primal, sometimes sexual. That is what needs to be reclaimed here. Perhaps you feel a lot of guilt and shame around being impulsive, doing what you want, asserting yourself, and feeling sexual desires? Perhaps you feel a lot of pent up anger about your childhood? (You are a black moon lillith in Aries near your 4th house cusp, right?) I might argue that this is what needs to be felt more of finally and healed with Pluto back in Capricorn. That might sound the opposite of “nurturing,” which is a word I have used in this video. But I think I can make a case that being impulsive for a change, aggressive, angry, sexual, etc. might actually be very nourishing to an Aries 4th house — or to forget astrology for a minute, to a person with a masculine core. Perhaps “nurturing yourself” and “feeling your emotions” for a 4th house Aries is not engaging in a kumbaya circle crying/meditating in the corner, but feeling completely the rage/anger from the past and indulging a few impulses you might have ? Re-claiming the dark masculine, so to speak? Your Capricorn/Libra/Virgo will be a good little boy, do what is best for the situation…. but deep down the mature man you’ve become has longings. Longings which probably aren’t… politically correct, to say that gently. You tell me you do a lot and burn out fast. Maybe that is your Sag mars (in the 12th house no less), maybe it is your black moon lillith in Aries. But what it tells me is that maybe there is a deeper desire here that is going unfulfilled, and acting out in weird ways. As for your career if we are considering mars (in addition to Taurus venus), this can bring a more active, adventurous, or daring career — physical, in the body. Also, something more independent, all yours only, that gives you lots of freedom. With your mars in Sag (the ruler of your 4th), maybe a writer, teacher, or speaker. In the 12th house, about spiritual matters. I mention it because martial arts does seem to hit a lot of those points. Something in the body, with spiritual ties, you can teach. But doesn’t have to be. As for the Scorpio, I am not scared of the deep emotion. I am a Pluto in Scorpio too, in the 4th house, with a Cancer rising and Mars in Pisces… a grand water trine. I FEEL things, possibly even more deeply than you LOL 😉 although this is not a competition !!! What scares me with the Scorpio, is the tendency to get too intertwined with relationships, not set boundaries, and then stew on the emotion when something goes wrong… instead of feeling the emotion, setting a boundary with the person that has been crossed, being confident in themselves and their decision, and just… moving on! You may have learned how to handle this by now, but my scorpio sn/pluto/saturn sister and her husband…. are very interesting with relationships/emotion. It makes me personally just feel a bit out of control, and unable to rely on them. Although, I think there are lessons for me to learn there. I tend to avoid my own Scorpio tendencies at most costs, but I feel I do need to learn how to work with the energy there better so I can round myself out. I think working with Scorpio energy better might actually fix some of my current problems LOL Also, I emailed you recently. Doesn’t seem like you got it (or at least read to the end of it) with this comment. If that is one of those things you are paralyzed about, I understand. But I just wanted to let you know! I am feeling all out of sorts. I have had very little appetite since Jupiter moved into Taurus and Mars into Leo. Can’t eat. Also, can’t sleep. Wake up every night around 3-4 a.m. and then can’t go back to sleep. It is making my body sick, sore throat, upset stomach. I feel this is an energetic thing, but I don’t know how to fix it. Might just have to ride it out… Anyways, I hope these thoughts I shared weren’t intrusive. Take whatever resonates.

      • derek108 says:

        Great I didnt miss it!! 35!! I was thinking 32/33, although if I didnt know you id say 28/29! baby face Gemini 😉 Yes I have a father, no brother. My sister and I were only considered of use if we were useful to him. For example he owns a waste oil refinery and I was named Derek after a Derrick oil rig (nurse spelt my name wrong though), I tried to make a relationship with him, it wasnt worth it, I havent seen him for 12 or so years now. Thanks for clarifying Taurus Venus not Libra Venus. I was impulsive as a kid, free spirited, did what I wanted, yet everyone hated me for it, was expelled from 2 high schools, over time all their toxic energy toward me wore me down (especially as an empath), until I became numb. Yes black moon Lilith is at 2deg Aries in third house, directly opposite my sun at 1deg Libra, yes sexually im very intense, higher sex drive than average. I dont trust people so I dont bother with it, definitely causing more internal issues… Im glad you mentioned black moon Lilith, Ive been meaning to ask why you dont include it in your interpretations? As for career, I just want to be left alone, so I will continue with ecommerce and later in life I will teach nei gong, probably online. Wow!  your Pluto Scorpio 4th house, Cancer rising with Mars in Pisces in a grand water trine!! yesss you feel more deeply than I do, its so beautiful! and with Gemini Sun, now I understand why your so good at verbalising the subtle energies. Yes the Scorpio stewing on emtions is an issue, time alone to process these is important and helps me. I didnt get an email from you, I checked my spam, did you send it directly to my email address? I hope your feeling better, in TCM emotional trauma is energetically stored in the organs; liver anger, heart over excitement, kidneys fear, spleen worry, lungs grief. 3am is the time that the liver is strongest, do you feel stressed or like the energy is rising up to the head etc? bringing some awareness and sinking the energy down may help if this is the case. Thanks for your insights, they triggered me a bit but its all good. Hope you have a great birthday!! Thanks Brittany

        • About my liver, I drink too much coffee and not enough water. This has only been a recent thing the past 3 years, but has been non-stop because… life. I worry that and the artificial sweetener is killing my body. But I do it to cope emotionally with things. I’ve tried substituting with cacao but I don’t like it as much. Not sure what to do. It is in the head. I will try to bring it down. My strategy has been to just hope and pray it doesn’t kill me, until I can stop when circumstances change. I don’t know why I don’t focus on the black moon. You’d think it would be a natural fit for me with all the moon stuff. I think I have been trying to figure out how/where to fit it in, and why it would be necessary to make note of. A lot of sources mention it as being where the woman feels most liberated, and the type of woman a man desires. But I actually think it manifests for both genders as repressed desires that were shamed in the self, sexual and otherwise, and where both genders feel most free to be themselves as individuals. I’m a black moon lillith conjunct my south node in virgo, too. So you’d think I would get it. I tend to center my whole day around work non-stop and am really discontent when I am doing other things. And the number one indicator I will be sexually attracted to someone is actually NOT mars by hard aspect or pluto by aspect. It is not Capricorn placements or Aquarius (my 7th or 8th houses). It is only personal planets in Virgo, especially Mercury 👀 LOL A matter of fact, that is what got me into astrology in the first place!! I kept wondering why the heck I am only sexually/romantically attracted to Virgos. Nothing else does it for me. I am trying to break my attachment to Virgo with the south node there, but it is hard. omg you didn’t get my email LOL who did I send it to then??? 😂😂😂 Poor person. I suppose this is good… now I have a chance to write a better one to you !!!! I really want to connect. I think you can tell. I be in touch soon!!!! It will probably be long. I hope you don’t mind !!!! Our charts are legit exact opposite. Every planet you have, I have one exactly opposite, almost to the degree. Other than the Libra. House cups, also exact opposite within 1-2 degrees. Is that normal, or is it just me? I have known a lot of Cancer risings, and quite a few Capricorn risings. And NONE…. have had their house cusps/planets like this. I have also given readings to A LOT of people. This has never occurred. Anyways… gotta upload my Aries moon video and write the description. I talk to you soon !!

          • derek108 says:

            Yes I understand completely the coffee issue!! I used to fiend on coffee. Similar to you it helped emotionally, its a go to for empaths/sensitive people. It took me years and years to quit coffee and I also replaced it with cacao which actually made me too horny. I managed to ditch caffeine by first replacing it with black tea with loads of other herbs and mushrooms; ashwagandha, cordyceps, chaga, reishi, lions mane etc. plus green tea. Have you tried mushroom coffee? it gives the buzz of caffeine but isnt so toxic. It generally has coffee (can be decaf) cordyceps, chaga, reishi and lions mane. This helped me a lot. I bought from an Australian local supplier but I know of a company in the US that makes it and I trust the owner of it as hes all about health and truth.
            OMG please stop taking artifical sweetener!! it has aspartame in it which is incredibally toxic to the body. Sugar is actually better than it. Substitutes ive used is honey or stevia. Theyre not the same but I got used to them. Sugar was actually hard for me to quit after being raw vegan for 5 years too (which made me sick). I hope you do find a way to bring black moon Lilith in to your vids, I only started follwing it a few years ago when I realised it was opposite my sun. Oh you like Virgo’s, I have the moon conjunct Mercury in Virgo 😉 yes I want to connect with you too. Over the years I have noticed how many things in our chart line up when you have mentioned personal details about your chart. I feel like we would get along really well, like we had known each other for years. Im happy you will email me, I know you said around October, im glad it will be sooner.

          • Hi! I just emailed you… please tell me you received it 💜💜💜 Didn’t know what to say. Maybe got a little shy?? I blame the Cancer rising… LOL I can’t stand stevia. Honey is OK. I’m not sure if I have tried mushroom coffee, but I have heard of it. I will look into black tea +herbs. I took ashwaghanda for quite a while a few years ago and then stopped to give my body break. Maybe I should look into that again. I just found some in my drawer leftover yesterday. And yes, I am well aware of your moon/mercury. My black moon is I think at the very early degrees of Virgo, but your moon/mercury are right on top of my south node. We have definitely known each other in a past life. I would for sure say that this isn’t the first time. The Capricorn rising also brings sexual chemistry too, but it skews a whole lot more partnership/commitment instead. The “can I see you everyday and maybe ask your opinion on a lot of things and while I am at it maybe call you my boyfriend too” type. However, I tend to prefer Aries way over the Libra. Libra comes off a bit too soft for me, and reminds me of my mom and sister which both have Libra moons lol

          • derek108 says:

            Yes I just emailed you back! I dont like stevia either lol

  2. Ariela says:

    this one is hard to absorb for some reason. I’m feeling emotions now (sat night) but i cant put my finger on what they are really. I’m also having trouble staying asleep lately, changed appetite and have had a cough/scratchy throat for a week now. crazy! omg

    • OMG you and me are having the same experience lol i can’t stay asleep either. I wake every morning around 3-4 am and then can’t go back to sleep. Then, I am not hungry at all and now have a sore throat. I think I have the sore throat because I am not eating or sleeping. I really hope this is not strep. I tried to take all day today to heal by sleeping in for most of it, eating tons of food I really like, taking some supplements, and taking a super long shower. But I still feel… unwell. Gonna start taking valerian before bed for a few nights to help me sleep. Maybe this is a cancer rising thing lol ??? You are a mars in pisces like me, too, right? My emotions have also been hard to place about what they are and why they are causing the lack of sleep/appetite. But I think after listening to a few tarot videos last night and reflecting on my horoscopes, I started to understand some things. But I’m still not sure why this is the response to those emotions, and not say something else??? I do tend to be in my head a lot, but I can’t say that detaching and pushing things away is a tendency of mine, now nor before. Ughh… It is my birthday this week too, and I just feel gross!! I hope we both get better soon.

    • Oh, also… it is worth noting that Pluto hasn’t moved back into Capricorn YET and the moon hasn’t made a conjunction to Neptune YET, which was bringing all these insights I talked about in this video. Both of those don’t happen until tomorrow morning, so it is possible that the insights on the emotions haven’t come yet (and are still unclear) because those two things haven’t occurred as of right now. Maybe in the morning, more answers will come!

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