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Leo June 10-18, 2023 Weekly Astrology Horoscope

This is the weekly astrology horoscope for Leo for the lunar week of the third quarter moon in Pisces, which starts on Saturday, June 10, 2023 and ends on Sunday, June 18, 2023 at the new moon in Gemini.

Note: Please watch the weekly horoscopes for your sun, moon, rising, and mars, although I believe rising should be the most accurate. If you are a late degree rising, the next sign up may resonate more.

Leo — Lately, you have been trying to play, have more fun, and do things you love. However, that has been difficult to do because you have been too in your head about other people what they would do or say if you did that (or your relationships themselves have been too in their heads about you).

That has created a lot of frustration.

Well, this week, you get a deeper understanding of WHY you are struggling to do what you love and WHY you are too in your head about your relationships.

The reason is because your job, health, habits, and daily routines have been too busy, stressful, or overwhelming for the past 15 years with very little support, making you feel as though you can’t do what you love because you are buried in work — and which now needs to be healed.

Not only do you get that realization, but you ALSO realize that you need to put off other things you want to be doing with relationships and money to a later date until that wound has been healed.

It could feel a little frustrating, but deep down, I think you know that this is in your best interest.

Aspects I mention in this video:

  • Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius (Mon., June 5-Tues., June 6, 2023)
  • Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn (Sun., June 11, 2023)
  • Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces (Sat., June 17, 2023) — 7 degrees
  1. Ariela says:

    aww we love arrow! its only mildly annoying when he barks 🙂

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