


Natal Astrology

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Taurus Moon June 13-15, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

June 12, 2023

We realize we need to slow down more than we thought with these blessings and put off some things we want to do until later, once we heal the emotional issues. However, that is still frustrating, and we still want to move forward.

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Category 1

Now that we know why we are having difficulty receiving blessings, we try to move forward again on these blessings in a different and better way. However, that creates problems because we haven’t healed the root cause of the issue.

Aries Moon June 11-13, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

June 11, 2023

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Category 2

Aries Moon June 11-13, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

June 11, 2023

Now that we know why we are having difficulty receiving blessings, we try to move forward again on these blessings in a different and better way. However, that creates problems because we haven’t healed the root cause of the issue.

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Category 3

We are going inwards to better figure out why we are having difficulty receiving blessings into our lives — and, it is working! We are getting big insights about why that is. However, it is very sad and disorienting for us to realize.

Pisces Moon June 9-11, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

June 8, 2023

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Category 4

Pisces Moon June 9-11, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

June 8, 2023

We are going inwards to better figure out why we are having difficulty receiving blessings into our lives — and, it is working! We are getting big insights about why that is. However, it is very sad and disorienting for us to realize.

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Category 5

We are now handling some recent blessings in a very unhelpful way, and we aren’t ready yet to heal the root issues causing the weird behaviors.

Aquarius Moon June 7-9, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

June 6, 2023

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Category 6

Libra Moon May 29-31, 2023 Astrology Horoscope

May 29, 2023

After cleaning some messes up over the course of the past few days, we are trying to smooth things over with others and calm down. It is working. However, we still aren’t really addressing the deeper emotional issue that caused the problems to begin with, making us feel scattered.

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Category 1

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