This is a yearly horoscope, which is correlated to the astrological year. It starts at April 2020 (Aries season) and ends at April 2021 (Aries season).
This year, we realize that there are a lot of things in our lives (that have been for quite some time) that we either don’t like or have outgrown. We then initiate some very difficult conversations and actions in order to remove these old things. That is meant to be helpful. However, it leaves us a bit confused afterwards about our identity — who we are and what to do next in our lives — without these old things that used to define us. It also leaves us feeling very uncertain, empty, and insecure — with no real foundation in our lives yet to stand on.
As a result, I recommend ending the things in your life that no longer resonate with you this year, even if it is hard and leaves you empty handed. That is so you can eventually formulate a better and more authentic life that you wouldn’t be able to do with these old things still a part of it.
Explore this year’s four seasons below.

Aries Equinox: Planting
Realizing that we need to make big, difficult endings in our lives
March 20-June 21, 2020
We begin to realize that there are many things in our lives that have been a part of it for decades that we either don’t like or no longer resonate with. We also begin to realize that we need to make big, sweeping changes in order to end these things. We prepare to initiate some hard conversations in order to do that, and try to adjust our mindset towards what needs to be done.
Saturn conjunct Pluto (Jan. 6-14, 2020)
Saturn enters Aquarius (March 22, 2020)
Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (March 28-April 5, 202)
North Node enters Gemini (May 6, 2020)
Venus retrograde in Gemini (May 14-June 25, 2020)
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (June 5, 2020)
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer (June 21, 2020)

Cancer Solstice: Growing
Initiating difficult endings and hard conversations
June 21-September 23, 2020
We now initiate some big, difficult endings in our lives and have the hard conversations in order to do that. It is very uncomfortable and challenging. However, we do it. As a result, we realize that we need to adjust how we see our identity and how we do things to be different from before, and not as attached to the past.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn (July 5, 2020)
Mercury retrograde in Cancer (June 18-July 12, 2020)
Jupiter conjunct Pluto again retrograde (June 22-July 1, 2020)
Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn (July 2, 2020)
Mars retrograde in Aries (Sept. 10-Nov. 13, 2020)

Libra Equinox: Harvest
Adjusting our identity to a different experience
September 23-December 21, 2020
We continue to adjust our identity away from the old stuff we are leaving behind and more towards new experiences. However, that is difficult to do. We still feel attached to the old things and very unbalanced as a result of our situation. There are also a few more details with relationships and money from these old things we are leaving behind that need to be tied up.
Mercury retrograde in Scorpio to Libra (October 14-November 3, 2020)
Jupiter conjunct Pluto again direct (November 7-12, 2020)
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini (November 30, 2020)
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (December 14, 2020)
Saturn re-enters Aquarius (December 18, 2020)

Capricorn Solstice: Purifying
Feeling more free to create a new and better experience
December 21, 2020-March 19, 2021
We finish tying up some details from these things we are leaving behind. We also release more of an old identity. As a result, we feel more free to be our authentic selves and create a new life after this point we enjoy more. However, we don’t know what this new life is after this point, and are feeling empty and uneasy. We want more certainty about what is to come in this more authentic space.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius (December 14-23, 2020)
Jupiter enters Aquarius (December 20, 2020)
Jupiter in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (January 14-18, 2021)
Mercury retrograde in Aquarius (January 31-February 20, 2021)
Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (February 7-24, 2021)
It is better to end experiences you don’t resonate with (even if it is hard) than silence your own truth and desires.
Questions for Reflection
You can answer these questions to yourself, in your journal, or in the comment section.
- What has been a part of your life for a long time that you either don’t like anymore or have outgrown?
- Why are these things no longer resonating with you anymore? (It is okay if you don’t know for sure. All you really need is a feeling.)
- What hard conversations or actions might you need to take in order to permanently change or end these things you no longer resonate with?
- What mindsets or practices can you adopt to help you make these difficult endings easier? (This can be meditation, prayer, music, art, mantras, etc.)
- How did you see yourself and your identity in these old experiences that you have outgrown? Who were you in those experiences? Write a list of the traits you liked, as well as the traits you didn’t like.
- Who do you want to be after this point that is different from who you were in the past? (It is okay if you aren’t entirely clear on this. The point is just to get you thinking.)
- How can you release the old person you used to be, or idea of yourself, to make room for a new one?